Gay Guitarist

Fruit Salad


Ahh, the perks of being famous.

Or at least being a rising star's boy toy. Abigail and I leaned against a wall, waiting for Melie, Cali (bathroom), Aiden, Oliver and Theo (missing after one of Oliver's freak-outs). Abigail sipped at a apple martini, while I finished a mug of beer.

Meanwhile, we were on the outskirts of a party. A famous party. Cobra Starship and All Time Low were playing poker while 3OH!3 watched. Lady Gaga, Bring Me The Horizon, The Academy Is... and Panic at the Disco chilled on the dance floor. Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, and the All American Rejects stood by the bar, close to us. Marilyn Manson, Slipknot, Flyleaf and Die Mannequin were by a window, talking secretly amongst themselves.

I watched them all, in total shock and awe. I was amazed on how lucky I was. Nothing could make this night better.

"Hey! You two! C'mere!" a voice shouted from the bar. Abigail and I turned to see all of FOB, MCR and AAR staring at us. The one who had spoken was the one and only Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the third.

My heart was thumping wildly as the 13 boys looked at us. Admitedly, they were probably looking at the long legs, and pretty face of Abigail, but still. As Patrick Stump, Pete Wentz, Joe Trohman, Andrew Hurley, Tyson Twitter, Nick Wheeler, Mike Kennerty, Chris Gaylor, Gerard Way, Ray Toro, Frank Iero, Mikey Way and Bob Bryar looked in my direction, I felt high in the sky, and hot down there.

"Who is that?" My Chemical Romance's glorious singer Gerard Way murmured, smiling awkwardly at us.

"That's Reach's bass player. And Oliver Freeman's boyfriend." Pete Wentz laughed. He said Oliver's name with extra emphasis, as if saying his name would clear everything up.

It apparently did, because the three bands were now smiling genuinely at us, gesturing for us to join them. I walked over excitedly, and Abigail trailed after me, hesitating.

"Hi." Frank Iero said simply. I noticed how short he was immediately, because he was only half an inch shorter then me. And I was barely 5''5.

"Hey! I'm Parker, and that's Abigail." I exclaimed, smiling widely.

"Guys?" Tyson Twitter said, eyeballing me with a look I didn't get. "We're gonna take off now. We have stuff to do in the morning..." With that, they shuffled off, with the remaining two bands calling goodbyes after them.

"Ack, homophobes." Patrick shook his head, in teasing sorrow.

"Not HOMOPHOBES." Gerard said, smacking Patrick lightly. "If they were, they wouldn't be talking to you."

"WELL." Patrick pretended to look upset. "Seeing as I'm a gay fruit bat, I'm going to dance. Feel free to follow." Bob, Joe, Andrew and Mikey followed Patrick as he walked to the center of the room. After, Gerard went to the bathroom to fix his hair, and skipped off. Frank hurried after him, mumbling something about Gerard needing help. It was only Pete, Abigail and me.

"What do you think they're doing in there?" I gestured to the doorway Frank just disappeared behind.

"Probably fucking." Pete shrugged.

"THEY'RE GAY?!" I gasped.

"Yep. Well Gerard is. Frank goes both ways."

I was shocked. "I did not know that."

Pete chuckled edging closer to Abigail. "Well, it's not the sort of thing the public knows. They guess, but no sure thing." Pete suddenly grinned, deviously. "I bet you can't tell who here's a tranny."

"You're kidding!" I said, shaking my head, but laughing.

"Not even. Let's just say her outfits aren't the only odd thing about her." I jerked his chin in Lady Gaga's direction, who was flirting with Gabe Saporta.

Pete and I burst into delighted giggles, and even Abigail who was strangely uptight cracked a smile.

"Anyways," Pete said, collecting himself and turning to Abi. "You play bass, right?"

"Yep." Abigail snapped, not looking at Pete. He didn't seem deterred.

"Cool, me too. Been playing long?"


"I see. What's your view of the economy of Afghanistan?"

"It's great."

"Really? I wouldn't think so, but I guess everyone has their opinions."


"Huh. What do you think of men who beat their wives?"

"Look, Pete." Abigail said, finally looking at Pete. "I'm not in the highest spirit. Here's my cell phone number." Abi pulled a pen from her purse, and wrote it on his hand. "Call me later, when I'm not in such a bad mood." With that, she turned away, and walked out of the room.

Pete and I stared after her, surprised.

"What's the matter with her?" He asked, looking at his hand in confusion.

"Don't worry." I assured him. "She just probably hates your guts."

"She hates me guts?"

"Probably." I bit my tongue when I almost told him about the Aiden-Melie-Abigail love thing. Abigail's broken heart would've explained her sourness.

"It's always great to hear a girl hates your guts." Pete shook his head, and let his hand fall to his side.

"No girl's ever told ME she hates my guts." I boasted, poking his side. He was warm. As any other human being was. I don't know why I thought he would be different.

"SHE didn't tell me shit. You did. And really? How about a boy telling you he hates your guts?"

"I always spill the beans. And guys have; when I dumped them."

"Harsh. Nice to know you end relationships on such great terms. So you and Oliver are really gay?" Pete looked at me curiously. "Hey, don't worry," he said when I gave him a funny look. "I'm not a homophobe. It's just that a lot of people are like, bi for show. And in a band's case, bi for press coverage."

"Oh," I smiled, "Well, I sure am into penis."

"That's what I like to hear!" Gerard's voice said from behind us. We turned to see Frank and Gerard, their hair slightly messed up and their cheeks flushed.

I smiled suggestively and said, "have fun?"

"Hell yeah." Frank said, and grabbed Gerard's ass. Gerard squealed and giggled a little bit.

I openly stared, mouth hanging open a little

"So Parker." Gerard said, taking a sip of Pete's beer. "You like banana's too?" He laughed, and nudged me.

"Of course!" I said, putting my hand up for a high five.

"Woo! Banana's!" He cheered, clapping my hand.

"I prefer, uh, cherries?" Pete said, looking at a girl who was passing by.

"Euck." Gerard and I said at the same time. We then laughed loudly, until Pete smacked the back of our heads.

"I like the whole damn fruit salad." Frank said suddenly and loudly.

This time, we all burst into idiotic laughter, so loud, that even the poker players looked up. One of them who had lost stood up and walked to join us. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised to say that it was Alex Gaskarth of All Time Low. This night was so amazing, I had thought nothing could make it better. But Alex made the nearly hysterical atmosphere better.

"What's so funny?" He asked, his hands shoved in his pockets.

"BANANAS!" Gerard screamed, and we laughed, if possible, louder.

"Alex," I said, still giggling, "do you like banana's?"

He considered that for a moment, pretending to be deep in thought. "Up the ass, not down the throat." He finally said, grinning at us, wagging his eyebrows up and down.

Alex was totally straight, but it was funny. I learned that he was a pervert, and several times that night was caught leering at passing girls.

I learned Pete was a serial dater, much like Aiden, but only had one girlfriend at a time.

I learned Frank had a foot fetish. I flashed my foot at him teasingly, not believing it was true. But you could tell by the way his eyes looked at my toes that it was the absolute truth.

I learned that Gerard had an enormous ego, but was still the nicest person in the world. I also learned I got along best with him. Probably the gay pheromones picking up on each other.

But the whole night of amazing-ness was nothing next to the shitiness that followed meeting these wonderful guys. After exchanging phone numbers with promises to call each other, for some reason, we thought it would be hilarious if me and Frank made out. I don't know why. It just seemed hilarious.

I knew Oliver had long ago come back from his disappearance, and was out there right now on the dance floor.

But as Frank's lips pressed into mine, it didn't matter.

But it sure as hell mattered when Oliver screamed, "What the fuck?!" before running from the room, almost in tears.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh noooooooooooooooo!
And I'm sorry for not updating in a while.
I was too lazy. D:
And just for your info, people's ages have been changed. So like, Gerard Way is not 32(?), he'd be like, 19 or 20, no matter how that doesn't make sense.

Comment goal: 65.