Gay Guitarist

Boats and Birds


I actually liked Melie.

As we were spinning on the dance floor to a slower song, I thought about that. No matter what the other people said, I wasn't just a whore because I had an extra sex gland or something. No, I was looking for the perfect person. But now that I come to think of it, I've been with a lot of girls. Could anyone be right for me? Am I destined to be a one night stand for the rest of my life?

That was an great thing to think about in the present time and place. Especially when the people around us shot us angry, jealous looks. My ego told me that it was because they were jealous of Melie, being with me. But a quieter part of me that had awoken since I was dumped was questioning even that. God, what was wrong with me?

"I love this song." Melie sighed, head on my shoulder. We were just swaying to the song, because I never said I was a good dancer. Neither was she, I guess. The song was Boats and Birds by Gregory and the Hawk. Cute song, sweet dripping from every word. It was a love song, packed with heart breaking guilt! What a song!

"It's alright." I shrugged. "The lyrics are interesting. If you be my star, I'll be your sky. You can hide underneath me and come out at night. When I turn jet black, you can show off your light. I live to let you shine." I sang the last part in her ear.

"Aiden..." She sighed, and looked up at my face. I looked back down at her, and brushed a loose strand of her hair from her face.

"You're so beautiful." I whispered, seductively. She visibly melted in my arms, and her head tilted up the few degrees needed for the kiss we both knew was coming.

It was one of the best kisses I have ever had.

But still, I felt nothing.

I let the kiss go on for a few moments, but then gently pulled away. I had the answer I needed. Kissing Melie didn't start any fireworks.

Yeah, yeah, I've kissed her before. But it needed to be a special kiss, under the dark of the dance floor; after sneaking out with her for the first time; a romantic moment when you meet in the halls. Anywhere where a kiss is memorable, and special. And every guy worth his pack of condoms knows that if you want to get serious with a girl, you have to wait and see until after you've slept together. Well, that was my theory, anyways.

"Melie, I---" I started to say, but I was cut off by someone screaming. Oliver screaming.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I heard him shout, and I spun around, fearing that he was having another fit. But I saw quickly why he was upset when I saw Parker making out with some guy. I groaned, as Oliver fled from the room, and I strode over to Parker.

"What the hell?!" I said, still walking and using the tone of voice I use for angry ex-girlfriends. It seemed to work on Parker, who was pulling away from Frank Iero as I walked over. He stared at me, blankly. I shook my head. "Stay the fuck away from Oliver." I said, and turned on my heels out the door.

It didn't take long to spot Oliver. He was huddled by my motorcycle, clearly waiting for me. I quickened my pace into a run and crouched beside my crying best friend.

"Oliver? Are you okay?" Yes, stupid question. He obviously wasn't.

He just choked on a sob, and reached his arms out for me. I sat down beside him, and wrapped him up in a hug. There, he cried onto my white t-shirt.

"H-h-he CHEATED on me!" Oliver finally sputtered, his voice sounding shocked, but miserable.

I stayed silent. What was I supposed to do? Deny it? Or say Parker was scum?

"With Frank fucking Iero!" He said, louder and less shaky. "THE Frank Iero! Gorgeous Frank Iero!"

"Frank Iero's not gorgeous." I lied easily. Even I knew that to someone who likes that type, Frank Iero is a god.

"Pfft!" Oliver scoffed, shaking his head. He was still clinging onto me, but his grip was getting tighter with anger. "Frank Iero is one of the most beautiful things a gay boy can dream of." He paused. "He is. And I guess Parker just decided he's better then me."

This I could respond to easily. "Shut the fuck up. Your a jillion times cooler then Frank Iero."

He looked back at me. "Really?" He said, looking hopeful and sad at the same time.

I smiled. "Really."

Oliver seemed satisfied. For a minute. Then, he started wailing again. "THAT INGRATE FULL BITCH!" He screamed, making me grimace. Oliver can scream really loudly, and shrilly. "I BROUGHT HIM FUCKING HERE, AND HE GOES MAKING OUT WITH RANDOM GUITARIST?!"

"He didn't make out with me?" I said lamely.

He shot me an exasperated look. "That's because you wouldn't kiss Parker."

"Yeah," I said, trying to joke around a little. "Parker's too gay for my tastes. And too, uhh, guy."

Oliver snorted. "And you wouldn't do that to me. That much, I know." He went silent now, and I saw a few more tears fall out of his eyes. "I really liked him, Aiden. I think I love him."

"Loved him?"

"LOVE him."

"Oh." I said, simply. He didn't say anything more, so we sat in silence for a minute.

"If you want," I said, starting to get up. "I can go back there and beat the shit out of him?"

Oliver laughed miserably. "Naah. He'd just enjoy it, the sick fuck."

"That's the spirit." I said, extending a hand to help him up. He looked at my hand for a minute, before grabbing it. I heaved him up, and then I brushed him off a little bit.

"So, want a ride home?" I said, pointing at my bike. He smiled at me, cheeks still wet.

"Duh. I heart your bike."

I handed him the helmet, and I got on, with him following. I started the bike, and it growled, impatiently. I heart my bike, too.

"Let's go!" I heard Oliver yell from behind me.

I did what he said, and shot off from the parking spot.

Then, I laughed.

"What?" Oliver shouted over the roar of the bike.

I just shook my head. I had just remembered that I was supposed to give Melie a ride home. I don't know why, but that gave me some sort of sick thrill.

I was dumping her in the morning, anyways.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yees, another update.
'Cause I'm cool like that. ;)

Comment goal: 65.