Gay Guitarist

Mouth Rape


Oh jeez, this is awkward.

After we were seated in a round booth, the conversation stopped, and we all just looked at each other. Seeing as no one would sit beside Parker, I did. On my other side was Abigail, then Theo, then Oliver.

Theo coughed, and Abigail started going through her purse. I pulled out my cell phone, and started texting a number at random. Oliver and Parker just looked at each other, Oliver angry, and Parker apologetic.

"So." Theo said, pulling out one of the crayons the waitress had so graciously given us when she took our orders (4 steaks, and one roast beef. I'm going to be broke when the meals through) "How's life... Aiden?"

"What?" I said, looking up from my phone. "Oh. Life's... great. How about you.... Abi?"

"Uhh, I'm fine. I'm hungry." she chuckled nervously. Theo and I said, "huh." at the same time.

"Parker, can I talk to you in private?" Oliver hissed. Parker stood up, and I gave Oliver a warning look. He rolled his eyes, and stalked off to the side of the restaurant. Parker followed.

"Aiden, I hate you." Theo said, drawing on the big piece of paper that was our tablecloth. "Wanna play tic-tac-toe?"

10 minutes later, and 6 games of tic-tac-toe (me losing the vast majority of them) Parker and Oliver were still not back. I kept glancing at the two, but they weren't yelling, or fighting. Just talking. Parker was speaking rapidly right now, with Oliver nodding with a disbelieving look on his face.

My phone vibrated---- again. I really have to check who I text in awkward situations because I had ended up texting Mekayla.

U ther?? Aiden?? She texted me again. I had texted her once, saying hi, and now this was the third or fourth text from her, asking if I was there.

I closed my phone, and put an O on the new tic-tac-toe board. Theo cackled.

"I win! Again!"

"Fuck you!" I said, and threw the crayon on the table in mock anger. Abigail laughed, and picked up the crayon to play with Theo.


This was painfull. Aiden's an asshole. I am not ready for this yet.

"Oliver, I didn't mean to! I was just hanging out with them, and I had a lot to drink. And when I say a lot, I mean a lot. It wasn't even my idea. I didn't kiss him! He kissed me!"

I nodded, but said nothing. He took a deep breath.

"He was nothing. And I'm just the biggest fuck up in life. I don't want Frank Iero, and he doesn't want me either! Him and Gerard are definitely almost perfect for each other! I want you! And he wants him!"

"Doesn't mean shit." I said, bluntly. "If they're perfect for each other, how come Gerard let Frank kiss you?"

"Because we were all drunk, and stupid." Parker pleaded. "Please, believe me when I say I don't like Frank as much as I like you."

His puppy dog eyes were making me uncomfortable. The eyes always worked on me. But I didn't say anything, and just nodded.

Parker sighed. "I don't want to lose you, Oliver. But if I hurt you too much, I can't do anything about that. I guess I'll just leave then." He looked at the ground, and shuffled his feet.

Something about that made something really clear to me; I didn't want Parker to leave. I wanted him to stay here with me. I wanted to go back to the booth, and sit beside him. I wanted to wrap my arms around him, and forget the party. I even wanted to see Aiden's smug face when he said something like, 'see? That wasn't too bad, was it?'

"Don't go." I whispered, and I felt my eyes prick with tears. But they didn't fall. "I don't want you to go."

He looked up, with a shocked look on his face. "What?" He said, surprise clear in his voice.

"I don't want you to go." I repeated. "It's just that, you know how much it hurts? To see you kissing someone like that? Did you even care about me? About how hard that hit my heart? I have feelings. Tell me something. Do you love me?"

"I---" Parker started to say.

I interrupted him, "Do you love me enough to understand that I don't want you to kiss anyone else?" I stepped closer to him. I whispered right in his face now. "Or is that too hard a concept to grasp?" I looked defiantly into his eyes, and he looked back, with an expression of pain bordering on hunger.

Then, so quickly even I hardly saw, Parker slammed his lips onto mine, and held my face tightly in his hands. I responded before I could think, I wrapped my arms around him, squeezing him tightly.

The kiss was passionate. But the kiss was quick. I pulled away, gasping. He was breathing heavily too, and he pushed the hair out of my face with clammy fingers. He put his face close to mine, with a deadly serious look on his face. "I love you, Oliver. I love you more then I love anyone, or anything. I'd do anything to keep you with me forever, but I'd never ask that of you. I love you, and if you think otherwise, you're wrong."

"Parker..." I whispered, and he stroked my cheek softly.

"Shh. You don't have to say anything-----"

"HEY. YOU TWO. GET OUT OF HERE." A voice boomed from near them. We sprang out from each others arms, and looked around. A chunky man in an apron was pointing at the two of them. "NO GAYS ALLOWED!" He screamed, and pulled Parker by the collar of his shirt.

In an instant, Aiden was beside the group, and pulling at the man's grip on Parker. "what the fuck?!" Aiden said angrily.

"Are you one of those gays too?" The man snarled, and he turned to Aiden.

"Me? Gay?" Aiden laughed one short, humorless chuckle. "You're a funny man. Now let go of him!"

"Not until he get's out! You too! He pointed into my face. "All of you! Fag's and their friends aren't welcome here!"

"Fine." Aiden snapped, and grabbed mine and Parker's arms and pulled us to the door. We passed Theo and Abigail who were watching with a shocked look on their faces. "C'mon." Aiden said, and the both jumped up to follow.

Everyone watched us as we left the restaurant. Their eyes followed me and Parker most of all, judging us. Aiden gave whoever he caught glaring a cruel, icy gaze, which made them look at the floor immediately.

When we got out, Aiden swore under his breath. Then, he turned to Parker, the anger gone from his face. Instead, he spoke kindly, and smiled warmly. "Are you okay?" He said, and pulled at Parker's collar gently.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Parker said, and stepped away from Aiden and closer to me. Aiden's hand fell awkwardly, but he smoothly ran his fingers through his hair. "Let's go." Parker said, putting his hand in mine, and leading me to the car.

"Jeez," Theo said, his stomach grumbling, "you couldn't save your nice little mouth rape for after we ate?"

"Nope." I said, smiling at Parker. He smiled back at me, a dimple in one cheek.

"Well, fuck you too." Theo said, pulling out his phone. "I'm going to go eat with Cali."

"Oh, because she's so much cooler then us." Aiden rolled his eyes, and laughed.

"Eat with Cali? Or eat Cali?" Abi said, smiling and nudging Theo.

"Seriously. Fuck you guys." Theo said, walking away now.

"Don't fuck us!" Aiden yelled. "Cali'd probably enjoy it more!"

Theo shot us the finger behind his back, and we all laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Homophobia is bad. o;<
But aren't you glad that they're not mad at each other anymore? (:
Comment Goal: 78.