Gay Guitarist



"ABIGAIL. GUESS WHAT DAY IT IS." Someone screamed from beside my head.

I shot bolt upright, screaming as I went. I had been sleeping nicely and happily in my bedroom. Now, Parker was here. Urgh.

"GUESS. WHAT. DAY." He grabbed onto my blanket, and started shaking it, doing nothing but make me annoyed and slightly cold.

"WHAT FUCKING DAY IS IT?!" I yelled at him, smacking his hand and pulling the blanket back over me.

"It's APRIL SEVENTEENTH!" He sang, and jumped back, spinning in place.

"So? And how did you even get in here?! My mom doesn't even know you!"

"Aiden gave me his key. He knew I'd have fun waking you up. AND SO?! SO?!? TODAY IS THE DAY POLYESTER PIN-UPS COMES OUT! IT'S IN STORES. RIGHT NOW."

"Oh." I said. It was April 17. Huh. "Wanna go to Walmart to get it?"

"Fuck yeah!" Parker cheered, and pulled me up out of bed. I scrambled to cover my legs through my little night dress, but he scoffed. "Relax Abs. I don't care if I see your yoo-hoo."

"You're a freak." I said, simply, and patted his shoulder.

"The freakiest. Now get up. We're leaving in half an hour."

"What? It is" I checked the clock beside my bed, "9 o'clock in the morning! And why am I not in school?"

"Because it's a p.a day."

"It's Thursday. That is so a lie."

"I swear, it's not! And it's Friday."

"You lie."

"It's Friday. Stop daydreaming about Aiden and pay attention to the damn days."

"No." I said, not paying attention anymore.

Parker laughed and shook his head. "Girls. Now, GET READY." He pushed me to the bathroom. "And don't bother taking a shower."

"But I wanna take a shower." I whined slightly, resisting against him weakly.

"Fine, take your shower." He pushed me into the door, and he closed it behind me.


"I love walmart." Theo said randomly, walking beside Cali happily.

"Who doesn't?" She said, laughing.

I walked in between Melie and Aiden. I felt how awkward it was between the two, but Aiden liked Theo too much to tell him that he couldn't invite his crush and her best friend.

"Ohh, listen to the song!" I squealed, "I love this one!"

Just then, Aiden and Melie laughed together. I looked at the two, confused. "What's so funny? Greggory and the Hawk is amazing!"

"It's nothing, Abs. It's just that me and Melie slow danced to this song at the party."

"Huh. Boat's and Birds? How.. cheesely romantic." I said, pursing my lips.

Aiden laughed. "You're right."

"Speaking of uptight bitches," Oliver suddenly said from in front of us. It was clear Parker and him had been having a completely different conversation. "When're you seeing Mekayla again?"

"Jeez, you HAVE to ruin a nice trip to walmart, don't you?" Aiden shook his head. Melie and I both laughed, and then we glanced at each other. Aiden dumping her made me have nothing against the girl.

"Yes, and you have to ruin a nice trip to a steakhouse!" Theo said, jabbing Aiden in the side.

"Hey, technically, that was the gays." Aiden said, rubbing his side, only to be jabbed again, this time by Parker.

"Aiden, just shut up now." I warned him, and he laughed.

"Whatever. What's the matter with your hair, anyways?"

This time, it was me jabbing Aiden in the side.

"HEY GUYS. LOOK!" Cali yelled, grabbing a CD from the rack in the entertainment section in Walmart.

She held up a CD cover, that was pure awesome-ness.

"THAT'S OURS!" Theo screamed, jumping up and down.

"HOLY SHIT!" Oliver yelled, jumping beside Theo.

Me and Aiden just stood to the side, Aiden laughing, me in shock.

"We did it." I gasped out.

Aiden turned to me. "I told you I'd get us here." He smiled sweetly.

"You told us," I said, still shocked. "But you actually did."

"Abi," Aiden gave me a exasperated look, "did you think I wouldn't get us famous?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Polyester Pin-Ups.
I'm exhausted.
And I just had to climb through a window, because the doors were locked, and nobody was home.
It was not plesent.
Anyways. I hope you all had a nice New Years.
Comment Goal: 80.