Gay Guitarist



We ended up buying 12 copies of the CD.

All the members of the band already had their own free copy, but that didn't stop them from buying two more copies. Melie and I both bought two. But it was all good, because the rack filled with the Polyester Pin-Ups was still bursting with the pretty little CD's.

"What's your favorite song on the CD?" I asked Theo, walking closer to him. He looked at he CD, then back at me, grinning.

"I'd have to say my favorite's 'Didn't See That Coming.' It has such a nice drum beat." He pointed to number 7 on the CD back.

"Hmm." I said, "I have never heard ANY of your songs."

"Well, now you can!" He pointed to my plastic bag, that he was carrying for me. "You have two kick ass CD's, filled with Aiden's kick-ass guitar, my kick-ass drums, Abigail's kick-ass bass, and Oliver's kick-ass singing."

"So, it's just a bunch of kick-ass stuff, combined?" I inquired, giggling.

"All for the price of $11.99!" He smiled widely, and he struck a pose, and put his thumbs up.

"Hah, why didn't they put you on the front of the CD?" I asked, laughing.

"Because they thought I was too sexy for something so mundane. They were going to put Aiden on it, because he's totally less pretty, but I didn't want to make him jealous, or anything."

"You, have an ego!"

"Do not. That was all bull-shit."

"Maybe so, but you came up with it."

"Well, nyeeh!"

"Oooh, nice come-back."

"I'm the master at them."



After that we walked in silence. We caught up with the main group of Oliver, Parker, Abigail, Melie and Aiden because we had fallen behind. They were bickering amongst themselves.

"I am not fat!" Aiden said, holding his stomach self-consciously.

"You totally are," Oliver said, nudging him. "But we love you for who you are inside, not the fatty you are outside!"

"I hate you guys, you know that?" Aiden put his head on the top of Parker's head, and Parker patted his back. "Aww, don't worry. You're just a little chunky." Parker smirked.

"JEEZ." Aiden walked slightly ahead of the rest of us, while we all laughed.

"Don't worry!" Theo said, "We all know Parker's a lot fatter then you."

"HEY." Parker and Oliver said at the same time, turning back to look at us.

"I LOVE YOU THEO." Aiden screamed from the front, and turned around. He held his arms out, and started running to Theo in slow motion.

"CALI SAVE ME!." Theo yelled, as Aiden jumped on Theo, hugging him tightly.

"Ew, no. I don't want to touch a fatty like Aiden." I said, backing away.

Aiden jumped off Theo. He looked at me. "You're a bitch too!" With that, he dramatically skipped away, dancing in the middle of the parking lot.

"Guys, where are we even going?" Parker said, still holding his stomach slightly.

All of a sudden, a strange look goes over Oliver's face. "I know where we should go. Follow me." He started walking away from his car, tugging Parker after him.

"Is this going to lead us somewhere where we can watch you and Parker suck faces?" Theo asked, whining loudly.

"Perhaps. But it's also a place where you wont have to see."

"Thank god." Theo breathed a sigh of relief, and I grinned at him.

Oliver glanced back, and saw my smile. "Don't you two be sucking faces back there."

"Oh fuck off." Theo said, throwing a small rock at Oliver. He dodged it easily, laughing loudly.

"Where are we going?" Parker asked Oliver quietly, but we all heard, still.

"Matt Utter's bar." Oliver said, still walking determinedly.

Me and Theo giggled. Utter? What kind of name is that?

"It's pretty early to be going to a bar." Abigail said, looking at her watch. "It's not even lunch time."

"But there's a big party there!"

"Is it a famous one? 'Cause that'd be a BIG step down from our last famous-ly awesome party crashing." Aiden said, looking mock seriously at him.

"We didn't crash the party!" Oliver complained. "We... made it better."

"No, Pete texted me. He said everyone just stood there awkwardly, and eventually left."

"I have an idea!" Parker said, suddenly looking at Abigail with a evil look on his face. "Invite Pete!"

"Good idea." Aiden said, pulling out his cell.

"How did you even get Pete's number? I was the one talking to him." Parker said suspiciously.

Aiden just rolled his eyes. "I am Aiden Tyler, and he is Pete Wentz. He wanted to sign us. We stay in contact at all times."

Abigail groaned. "At least get him to invite a few friends."

"Whyyyy?" I said, smiling suggestively. "Pete LOOOVES you."

"That's why." Abigail looked at the ground, embarrassed. Aiden, however looked at her, with a weird look on his face.

"Why don't you like Pete?" He asked, brow furrowed.

"I just don't."

"I think you should give him a chance!" Aiden said, fiddling with his phone, uncomfortably.

"I don't want to." Abigail's face was beet red.

We were quiet for a minute, until Oliver cleared his throat, uncomfortably. "Well, let's get going?"

We all nodded in silent agreement, and started walking again. Aiden pulled out his phone, and started texting. "Oliver, where is the bar? Pete needs to know."

"Just over there." Oliver pointed to a building surrounded in cars.

"God, I can feel my hangover already." Parker rubbed his forehead, and sighed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh those silly party animals.
What kind of mischief will the get into this time? /foreshadow
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