Gay Guitarist

Skinny Jeans, Bitches


I was in the limo, waiting outside the small house where Josh told me to meet him. I have no idea why he was even in Jersey to begin with and didn't go to the party a few days ago, but when I asked my assistant, Lila who was in the area, I was told Marianas Trench were. I also invited All Time Low and My Chemical Romance, but ATL was busy, and only Gerard wanted to come.

"So who're we waiting for?" Gerard said, rubbing his stomach, "I'm fucking hungry, and it is morning. I need some fucking coffee."

"Josh Ramsay, and we'll go to Starbucks." I replied, shaking my head slightly. I had no idea that Gerard was this whiny.

Gerard mumbled under his breath for a minute, before saying loud enough for me to hear, "Josh Ramsay's who..?"

"The singer in Marianas Trench."

"Isn't that in the ocean, or something?"

"It's a band, too."

"Oh. OH YEAH!" Gerard yelled suddenly, "TRY A LITTLE MORE, LITTLE MORE, LITTLE MORE! SLAP YOU LIKE A BITCH, AND YOU SHAKE IT LIKE A WHORE!" He sang the last part, and the effect was weird. I had listened to Shake Tramp many times, but Gerard's voice was different from Josh's, and it just sounded wrong.

"That's the one." I said, rolling down the window to see the house better. Cool Jersey spring air rushed at me, reminding me how much I missed California, and it's hot beaches. Can't say I missed my big and empty house back there. I traveled a lot to make sure I never had to use that cold, lonely house.

Just then, I saw the door of the house open, and Josh stepped out. He rushed to the limo, and pulled open the door quickly. He was only wearing his t-shirt and jeans.

"I always forget how cold it can be here." He said, teeth chattering a little. I touched the hood of my sweater, which was lined with the soft, warm stuff. I smirked, and he stuck his tongue out at me. "Jerk." He muttered, before putting his feet up on the seat, and rolling into a ball to keep warm.

Gerard laughed. "You need a black parade jacket." He brushed his sleeves, lovingly, "they're the shit."

"Have any extra?" Josh said, batting his eyelashes at Gerard.

"Oh yeah, I carry extras with me." Gerard rolled his eyes. "I'll get you one later."

"That helps a fuckload." Josh shivered, and breathed into his hands.

"It's not THAT cold." I said, laughing.

"It's pretty cold!" He rubbed his hands together.

"Anyways, why were you in there, anyways?" Gerard asked Josh.

"My grandma lives there. It was her birthday yesterday."

"Aww, well happy birthday to her?" I said, smiling.

"Yeah, she was full of joy at being 'another year closer to death's cold, cold grip.' " He air quoted. Gerard and I laughed, and Josh grinned. "Where are we going, anyways?"

"Uhh, Aiden Tyler invited us to go to a party downtown. We need Starbucks first, though." I gestured to Gerard, who had his head leaned back on the seat, eyes closed now that he finished talking.

"Cool. What's the occasion?"

"I don't know. It's at some bar." I shrugged.

"It is 11am. Isn't it a little early to party?" Josh giggled.

I laughed, too. "This party's probably been going on all night. The people's are most likely already drunk out of their minds."

"Or hungover." Gerard added, not looking up.

Josh groaned, "oh yay, drunk people. They just love me."

"They're fucking cannibals, you mean?" Gerard asked, voice sounding slurred.

"Yeah, they scare me to my very soul." Josh hit his head off the window. "Why are we going?"

" 'Cause we were invited." I just said, realizing for the first time that there would be crazy drunk people.

"Oh, so that makes us need to go." Josh rolled his eyes. "I need Starbucks, too."

"The monkey got my muffin..." Gerard mumbled. Josh and I looked at each other grinning.

Josh carefully unraveled himself from his little ball. He reached over to Gerard, and took his hand. "Sleep tight, sweetie pie." He tried to stick Gerard's hand down his pants, but the waist band was too tight.

"Skinny jeans, bitches." Gerard mumbled, and snatched his hand out of Josh's grip and turned to face the other way.

"Oh fuck mens skinny jeans." Josh said, while straightening his out. I grinned, as I looked at my legs. Skinny jeans.

"We're real original, aren't we?" I asked, and Josh looked at me, considering his answer.

"Oh yeah. Especially when you put on your red and white converse, and some guyliner!" He put his hand out for a high five.

I laughed, shaking my head. "I'm gonna have to leave you hanging."

"Oh fuck you." Josh said, pouting slightly.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is pretty filler-ish.
But I guarantee, stuff's gonna happen.
SHOCKING things. 8D
Comment Goal: 85.