Gay Guitarist

Marianas Trench


Urgh, Pete Wentz.

I leaned up against the wall, pretending to listen to what he was talking about, while really just trying to keep Aiden in my site, and make sure he didn't get picked up by any girls, or vice versa.

There was nothing particularly wrong with Pete. In theory, he was an amazing guy to have lusting for you. Extremely nice. Motivated. Good looking. But something about him, maybe his arms covered in tattoo's, maybe his emo bang, maybe even just his tone of voice made me not interested in any way.

Or maybe there was absolutely nothing wrong with him, and I was just too madly in love with Aiden that I couldn't see any other guys.

At least I admit it.

"---and the beaches? They're beautiful in the summers. Hot as hell, but prettier then anything you could ever see. You should come down to Cali some time." Pete smiled nervously at the ground. I was about to politely decline, when Theo appeared from behind us, Cali clinging onto his arm, giggling.

"Abs should go down on Cali? What?" He said, a stupid grin plastered on his face. We all knew he knew that Pete was talking about California, but we laughed anyways. Theo seemed slightly wasted. And according to my watch, it's only 3 o'clock.

"You're an idiot," I rolled my eyes, still laughing with them. Theo winked.

"The idiot-est." He and Cali took a step away from us, when he looked back, a confused look on his face. "Uhh, Pete?"

"Yeah?" Pete said, reluctantly looking away from me. Urgh.

"Someone was looking for you. Some dude with blue in his hair."

"Josh Ramsay?"

"How the hell should I know?"

Pete shook his head, and scanned the crowd. He apparently spotted the person he was looking for, because he waved and yelled, "JOSH!" at the top of his lungs. The faint buzz I had (no where near as bad as Theo's) protested at his loud voice. Pete looked back at me, and smiled. "You can meet Josh."

"Uhh, Josh Ramsay?" I asked, trying to hold in the beginnings of excitement.

"Yeah. From----"

"Marianas Trench!" I cheered, feeling the necklace around my neck. I had gotten it at a Marianas Trench contest a few months ago. I never went anywhere without it. The whole concert had been fun. I went with Aiden, his girlfriend-at-the-time, Melissa, Theo and Oliver. The boys had loudly insisted that they were far better then Marianas Trench. Aiden even criticized the guitarist. In front of a crowd of die-hard Trench fans, including me. It was hysterical.

"So someone knows me?" a familiar voice murmured from behind me. I grinned at the air, before slowly turning to face the owner of the voice.

"I know you..." I said, heart pounding faster then ever before, "and I love you!"

Josh laughed, flipping his hair lightly out of his eyes. "I love you too!" He grinned at me, eyes crinkling at the side. "And who are you?"

"Abigail Stewart," I said, holding out a hand to shake. He looked at my hand for a moment, before exaggeratedly bringing the hand up to his lips, and kissing it. My stomach flip-flopped in pleasure.

"Nice to meet ya." Josh said, as he let go of my hand. I blushed, eyes trailing to the ground.

Pete sighed. "How's it going, Josh?"

"It's going better," he replied, and I smiled a bit bigger without meaning to.

I gasped, loudly, suddenly. A realization had hit me, smacked me right in the face. It was a simple thought. In someone else's mind. My head whipped up, and Pete and Josh were looking at me, confused.

"Excuse me," I choked out, before practically running to the bathroom.

I heard Josh and Pete call my name, confusion clear in their voices. But I didn't stop, so filled with the thought. I slammed through the bathroom doors, and was relieved to see that the room was empty.

I rushed to the sink, and put both hands on either side of it, leaning heavily. I looked at my reflection, my wild, shining eyes, looking slightly frightened back at me. My bottom lip trembled slightly, and I sucked in breath.

I liked Josh. Almost immediately. Instantaneously. Remarkably.

Because I don't like other guys. I like Aiden. I love Aiden. And no other guy has interested me since he stole my heart. And stole was an understatement. He ripped the heart from my chest, and has never given it back.

But meeting Josh had made me feel that somehow, I could get it back, if I wanted to. Aiden didn't need it, nor particularly want it. I could get it back. I could.

But I don't want to.

Do I?
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I'm getting less and less creative with chapter titles.
One more chapter until the big one. 8D
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