Gay Guitarist

Have You Ever Kissed a Boy?


It was actually getting pretty late.

I looked out the only window in the whole bar, which was a small window right above the bar, and the sky was dark and stars were appearing. I noted with half interest that there wasn't a cloud in the sky. It was indeed a beautiful night.

The reason I noticed that at all was because I wasn't drunk at all. I was weird; whenever I was happy, I would drink. When I was upset, I would stay sober, analyzing everything that I'm sad about. Basically, I drank away the good times, and moped for the bad.

And this was bad times. Gerard and Pete had left a few hours ago, sick of everyone watching them with wide, admiring eyes. Gerard said something about wanting to go see his mother before he left for a road trip to Vegas in a few days. Pete just wanted to get away from Abigail and Josh, laughing and flirting heavily. He didn't admit that, but I could tell. His little crush on Abigail was short-lived.

Meanwhile, Oliver was dancing with Matt. It's not like they were dirty dancing, or slow dancing, but they were doing it together. That's what bothered me the most. Theo was spinning around drunkenly with Cali, Melie watching them, giggling. And Aiden? He was busy looking horribly unapproachable at the bar, with a bottle of water clenched in his hand. His eyes were hard and his expression fierce. It might have been so people wouldn't come up to him and flirt. But it might have been because he was angry. REALLY angry.

So that left me alone. I sat in one of the tables at the side of the room, spinning a straw in my fingers. Boredom was too small an understatement to describe me, but the boredom was joined with betrayal, and guilt. And what a lovely little party they were having. The feelings tossed and turn in the pit of my stomach as I watched Oliver and Matt. I knew that this was my fault. If I hadn't kissed stupid Frank Iero in the first place, Oliver might not have felt the need to bring us to his ex-boyfriend's bar. And he most definitely would have been spending time with ME. I also would have been drunk, and me and Oliver would be having happy good times. Hooray.

So him ignoring me? This was all my fault. I had spoken to Matt and Oliver for a few minutes at the very start. It had been awkward, and icy. For me, anyways. Oliver seemed perfectly at ease. Matt seemed smug. I had talked to him for 10 minutes at most, and I already hated his guts.

I sighed deeply, and spun the straw faster. With a heave, I pulled myself up from the chair I had been sitting in for the past few hours. I decided that even though Aiden looked ferocious, we could at least share our bad feelings together. And maybe I could find out what had him so angry in the first place.

I fought my way through the crowd. The party had gotten impossibly bigger. The previous nights partiers had left, and quickly replaced by new, equally stupid people. As I drew closer to Aiden, I saw the lustful looks some of the ladies had while looking at Aiden. Their flirtatious smiles quickly looked away when their attempts met his brooding, furious eyes. They scuttled away, leaving a 5 meter radius around Aiden.

He looked up at me when I approached, seemingly surprised someone had gone into the empty space surrounding him. When he recognized me, his eyes clicked back into their expression of anger. But I saw a subtle difference in them after. He seemed happier. I glowed with satisfaction that my presence made him less 'rawr-I'm-going-to-eat-your-babies'. I quickly crossed the space in between us, and stood beside him, leaning against the bar like he was.

"Hi." Aiden said, as soon as I finished moving.

"Hey," I replied, staring out into the crowd.

"Mad at Oliver?" he asked, following my gaze to Oliver and Matt.

"A little," I shrugged, "I think he's mad at me."

"Maybe," he said, and we fell into silence. A few minutes passed, before I turned away from the dancing boys, and onto Aiden's glorious face.

"What's the matter with you, anyways?" I asked, and poked his side lightly.

He didn't answer for a few minutes, just stood there fuming. I didn't say anything else, though, because I could tell he was thinking.

"Oliver," he began, speaking slowly. "I never knew he was gay until you." He gestured to me lightly. "And this guy? He's his ex. So, he was dating him secretly." He finished. And began staring at Oliver and Matt again.

"That's why your so angry?" I asked, a little confused. "Because he didn't tell you he was dating someone?"

Aiden nodded.

"Huh." I said, and bit my lip.

"It might not sound too bad, but it is to me. Oliver's my best friend. I thought we trusted each other with everything. When you came around and he told us he was gay, I thought he must have just found out. But to know that he knew the whole time, and was dating other guys? That just is a really big fuckload of shit."

I nodded. Now I understood. "Huh. That sucks."

He sighed. "Yeah, it does." He shook his head. "Wanna drink?" He motioned to the bar.

"Sure," I said a bit happier. I know I don't usually drink while depressed, but I'll make an exception for Aiden.

~ A bottle and a half of vodka later ~

"I never drink," Aiden giggled, taking another gulp of his drink. I laughed, and fell off my chair.

"OW!" I yelled, and Aiden roared with laughter.

"Let's go outside." Aiden said, jumping off his stool.

"Help meeee?" I reached both hand up and wiggled my fingers. He grinned down, mockingly at me, but then grabbed my hands. He yanked me up with force, and made my shoulders feel like they had been pulled out of their sockets.

"YOU SUCK," I screamed, rubbing my shoulders.

"LIKE A WHORE." he yelled back, and ran out the door, laughing.

I followed, smiling, the pain in my shoulder already forgotten and numbed by the drinks. I opened the door, and it slammed close behind me, taking the loud music of the bar with it. I glanced around to see Aiden laying down beside the building in the grass.

"This is the only bar in jersey where there's a fucking park next door." He laughed, and motioned for me to lay down beside him. I happily did.

We stared up at the stars, quietly. Cars rushed past, music boomed just inside the doors, but it seemed quiet and peaceful out here. I was able to clearly hear each breath Aiden exhaled, and sucked in. But it was still cold.

I shivered, and he turned to see me. "You cold?" He asked, concern wrapping it's way around his features. I nodded, not able to speak. He grinned, and then scooted closer to me, and tried to push his arm under my head like a pillow for me. I blushed, but he couldn't see it in the dark of the stars.

"Do you think..." Aiden began once we were nestled cozily together. "that I'll ever find someone for me?"

"You think of that?" I asked, finding that somehow funny. "You're 17."

"I always think of that." He said seriously. "I never kiss a girl without thinking about if it would ever go anywhere."

"Oh." I said, thinking. "So, that's why you have so many girlfriends?"

Aiden laughed. "Yeah, if I don't feel anything, I dump 'em."

"So, Mekayla you felt something with...?"

"God no," Aiden laughed harder. I felt the shakes in his chest so close to me. It made me blush more. "I keep Mekayla around for obvious reasons."

"Ohhh," I said, chocking a laugh, "you need some lovin'?"

"Yeah, I do." We laughed together for a moment, waiting as our laughs died down before we spoke again.

"So no girls have kept you.. satisfied?" I asked, a dirty thought popping into my mind. I bashed it back, but the vodka wouldn't stop it from spilling from my mouth, "Have you ever kissed a boy, then?"

"No," he said, speaking seriously again. "I've never kissed a guy."

"Why not?" I crooked my neck, so I could look at him. He looked at my face, too.

" 'Cause I can't see it ever going anywhere," I heard the shrug in his voice, and felt his shoulder move a little.

"Well, how will you know?" I asked, and I fluttered my eyelashes a little.

He thought for a moment, looking at my face. "I don't." He finally answered. I was silent, feeling the tension in the air. I was trapped in the situation I had created for myself, and all I could do was lay there, practically hyperventilate, and wait for the rejection Aiden would soon give to me.

It didn't happen.

He slowly, so slowly, pressed his lips onto mine. My mouth froze, in shock. But his expert mouth knew the routine and massaged my lips until they responded. I threw myself into the kiss and moved in ways I couldn't control. His hand rose and held my face gently as he turned completely on his side to face me. I mimicked him, except my hand held his waist softly. I moved closer, closer, until our chests were completely pressed together.

I felt his mouth open, and his tongue slip out to press at my mouth. I eagerly opened my lips, and let his tongue explore it's way around my mouth. I softly groaned, and wished to be closer together, wished to have a lot less clothes on.

Suddenly, he pushed away from me, our lips coming apart with a slightly plunger-like noise. He rolled over to his other side, and crawled away a little, and shakily got to his feet.

"Aiden?" I called, my vision starting to fade. I saw him spin around, his face white, eyes wide. I cursed the amount of vodka I had, as the darkness started covering my eyes.

Before I fainted, I saw him back away, a look of pure shock and a little bit of fear on his face.
♠ ♠ ♠
What a slut that Parker is.
First, he kisses Frank Iero.
Now Oliver's BEST friend. ;D
I told you big things would happen in this chapter. ;)
Comment Goal: Surprise me.