Gay Guitarist



I remember every delicious detail of last night.

As I lay in my bed, somehow, I thought about every touch, every feeling from my previous night.

As I stumbled away from Parker as he blacked out, my head was spinning. My lips were tingling, and my nerves endings were on edge. I'd never felt so alive.

I ran back inside the bar, hyperventilating, eyes searching for--- who?

Surely not Oliver. Best friends or not, he probably wouldn't like to hear that I had just made out with his boyfriend.

Theo? Abigail? Cali? Melie? All nowhere in sight. And even if I could possibly see them through the crowd and my blurring vision, what would I tell them? That I think I was ga---

Someone pushed past me, laughing loudly and drunkenly, knocking me out of my temporary panic attack. I remember now why I don't get drunk. I act stupid, my teeth are on edge, my heart thumps loudly, and my reactions are slower than my brain is.

I was freaking out. What the hell was this? What the fucking hell do I do now? I was trapped in my own head, in my intoxication.

"A-DEEEEEEEEEEN," I heard someone yell from behind me. I slowly turned, and saw Theo and Cali. "What's goin' on, man?"

"Uh," I started, unsure of what to say. I wanted to go home, but how was I supposed to sleep tonight if I knew Parker was collapsed outside a bar? And how could I explain why Parker was out there with me without seeming suspicious? My sober self was a great liar; flawless. I wasn't sure on my drunk self's skills. But I needed to lie. This was self-preservation, now.

"Parker collapsed outside," I said, "I saw him when I went to get some fresh air." Not a very convincing lie. But who am I kidding? They were both more hammered than me.

"Oh, fuck." Theo whined, "Does that mean we have to leave?"

"Uh-huh." I nodded. "Cali, go find Melie, Abigail and Oliver. Theo, come and help me get Parker up."

They both nodded, sulking. Cali turned back into the crowd, and Theo and I walked outside to find Parker.

The rest was pretty much a blur. I remember calling a taxi to get us, and bring all of us to my house. I remember running into the house, and falling down on my bed, and falling asleep immediately.

And I remember waking up, blissfully happy, but even more freaked out than before.
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I really came to a brain bump there.
It's also late, and I wanted to get this up, but go to sleep.
So, I wanted to write more in this, but there you go. ;)

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