Gay Guitarist

Good Morning, Sunshine Part 2


"Good morning, sunshine."

As I pulled myself up and out of the sleep of the dead, I was having major deja vu. I had heard that exact voice say those exact words when I woke up from drinking once before. But I could feel my jeans pressing into my legs uncomfortably, the denim pressing in, making it not the same circumstances.

Also, I was much more comfortable then I had been when Oliver had slept together for the first time.

I blearily opened my eyes, and saw Oliver's gray eyes only inches away from my face. It was morning, but very early. The pale dawn light shone through thin curtains onto the more luxurious room I had ever been in. But I didn't pay any attention to the couches, the TV, the king-sized bed, the state of the art sound system, or the instruments in the corner.

The man lying beside me was much more interesting than anything around me.

"G'morning," I whispered, voice deep from sleep. He smiled, and pulled me closer into his chest. I breathed in the scent that was Oliver, the faint trace of cologne, and of warm sun on skin. The smell was familiar and beloved to me, and I could never get enough of it.

"Aren't you mad at me?" I said, voice muffled from my face being pressed in his body.

"No," He said, taking a deep breath. "I thought you'd be mad at me."

"Naah," I replied, trying to be nonchalant to conceal my hurt at Oliver abandoning me. "I deserved it."

"You didn't." He said seriously, and pulled my chin up gently to look at him. "I was out of line."

I didn't reply. I wasn't speechless, but I couldn't bring myself to ruin the gorgeous silence, one that wasn't awkward or full of tension. The air around us felt light and sweet, with nothing besides our mutual like of each other surrounding us.

Instead, I softly pressed my lips onto his, for just half a second. His were cold and I was about to kiss him again, more fiercely, when----

"Stop your gayness." Theo said loudly. "It's cute, but seriously. I'm about to throw up."

"That's only because you drank your weight in coolers," Aiden added, voice silky. It reminded me of something from last night, but right now, I couldn't think of it.

"Shut the fuck up," Theo snapped, and I heard him sit up. "What time is it?"

"7." Oliver said, still staring at me, looking unhappy.

"Is there school today?" He whined, looking to Oliver.

We were all quiet for a minute, before we all groaned in unison.

"Where's Abigail?" I wondered vaguely as I pushed the covers off of me.

"Guest room," Aiden replied, "I thought she'd rather have her own than share with us."

"Hah," Theo said bitterly. He clearly didn't do hangovers well. "She'd love to share a bed with you, Art."

We all chose to ignore this comment, and we slouched from the room.

"I'll wake up Abi. You know where the kitchen is." Aiden said and he walked down the long hallway to our right. Oliver and Theo nodded dully and they started descending the long staircase that was directly in front of us. I followed, hastily.

Less then 5 minutes later, all five of us were seated around the large table in Aiden's kitchen, bags under our eyes a mile long.

"I thought it was Friday yesterday." Abigail complained, rubbing her forehead as she stared at the half-cooked eggs that Oliver had made for us all.

"What? No. It was Thursday." Aiden replied, sitting across the table from me. I stared at him out of the corner of my eyes. Something about him was pressing at the edges of my mind. Something important.

"Parker, you bitch." She whined. "You told me it was Friday!"

"I like to lie," I said, absently shoving the eggs into my mouth. My hangover wasn't very hungry, but I knew that in a few hours, I'd regret not eating.

"You're so gay." Abigail snapped.

Oliver looked up, half smiling. He knew she didn't really mean it in the mean way. "Hey, what's wrong with being gay?"

"Nothing is." She muttered. "I'm just complaining."

Aiden nodded. "You are bitching a lot."

"Shut the hell up," Abigail snarled, "YOU'RE gay."

"HAH." Theo snorted. "Aiden is the least gay person I know."

Oliver was laughing now. "Yeah, I think I'd fuck a girl before Aiden even KISSES a boy."

Kisses... a boy.

"So no girls have kept you.. satisfied?" I asked, a dirty thought popping into my mind. I bashed it back, but the vodka wouldn't stop it from spilling from my mouth, "Have you ever kissed a boy, then?"

"No," he said, speaking seriously again. "I've never kissed a guy."

"Why not?" I crooked my neck, so I could look at him. He looked at my face, too.

" 'Cause I can't see it ever going anywhere," I heard the shrug in his voice, and felt his shoulder move a little.

"Well, how will you know?" I asked, and I fluttered my eyelashes a little.

He thought for a moment, looking at my face. "I don't." He finally answered. I was silent, feeling the tension in the air. I was trapped in the situation I had created for myself, and all I could do was lay there, practically hyperventilate, and wait for the rejection Aiden would soon give to me.

It didn't happen.

Oh, fuck.
♠ ♠ ♠
And I'm sorry for not updating before.
I was bitching on everything. I mean, I had a chapter written. Then, I forgot to save it, and I turned off the computer.
I was angry. D<
Anyways, here's the update I've been promising for a loooong time.
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