Gay Guitarist

Breaking Up


I think I'm going crazy.

After I completely skipped the rest of the school day, I ended up at the park, sitting quietly on the swing. I had gotten myself into some crazy shit, and I admit it. I just had to think it through, alone.

Just then, my cell phone started ringing. I sighed deeply, considering letting it go to voicemail before I checked the caller ID. Oliver.

I flipped the phone open, quickly.

"Hello?" I said, smiling. Even if my day was horrible, I could still feel better by talking to him. He still didn't hate me, right?

"Hi." He said, shortly.

I froze; something's wrong.

"What's up?" I forced out, feeling suddenly afraid.

He was quiet for a minute. "Nothing much," he said casually. "Just got back."

"Ahh." I choked out.

"So... what did you do today?" He asked, pointedly.

Oh god. Oh god, he knows.

"You know, just school." I said, trying to sound normal, and not like my heart was beating in my throat. I don't think it worked.

"Oh? Well, uh. Abi told me to phone you. She didn't tell me what about, but she said it was important I talk to you."

"Abi?" I felt like I should've been angry, but I was just numb. I knew what this was coming to. He knew about me kissing Aiden. He knew, and he was going to break up with me for being such a slut.

"Yeah, Abi. But she didn't say anything. But I also got a text today. From a unknown number. Wanna know what it said?"

I was quiet, before whispering, "What?"

He hesitated, as if gritting his teeth as I knew he would be doing right now. "It said, 'Aiden and Parker sitting in a tree. K-i-s-s-i-n-g.'"

Neither of us spoke. I didn't know what to say, and he was letting me absorb this.

Finally, he said. "So what did you really do today, Parker?"

My lip trembled, and I put my face in one hand, the other still holding the phone to my ear. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat, but it still felt like drowning. "I-I'm so sorry." I whispered, unable to raise my voice higher then that.

I heard a noise on the other end of the line. It sounded like a quick, dry sob. "So it's true?" He said, voice hoarser.

I nodded, before realizing he couldn't see me. "Yeah." I muttered.

"Huh." Oliver laughed. "Did this ever mean fucking ANYTHING to you? First Frank Iero, now my best friend. I hope you and Aiden are really happy together, you suit each other. Neither of you can be trusted to stay out of someone else's pants."

I heard the click that meant he hung up on me. I slowly closed the phone, and brought my other hand up to my face too. I rested my elbows on my knees, with my hands covering most of my face. I almost lost balance on the swing, but managed to keep sitting on it.

I hunched over my legs, and cried.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm a meanie. D:

Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been drawn into....
& I was avoiding writing this one.
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