Gay Guitarist

For the Band


I sat in the backseat of our van, leaning my head on the side tiredly. Oliver, Abigail, Theo and I were on our way to Morrisville to talk to the label. We were all exhausted, so we decided to let my dad's driver bring us.

Abigail and Theo were both talking quietly, but me and Oliver were silent. I thought it was weird that Oliver was so quiet, but I was to tired to see why he was quiet.

"So Aiden, what are we doing here, anyways?" I heard Theo say.

I rubbed my forehead with my hand, and replied, "damage control. We have to make sure they don't drop us seeing as we just stopped mid-concert last show."

"Oh," he said, "but they wouldn't really just drop us, right? This is just in case.... right?"

I hesitated. "They might. This is business. They're not going to be doing us any favors. They have to be sure we're not going to pull any more bullshit, or we're done."

They were silent, absorbing the importance of this meeting. Or I thought they were.

"Aiden," Oliver said suddenly. I looked up in surprise at the sound of his hoarse voice. "How could you be such a dick?"

"What?" I said, confused. Theo stared at Oliver, just as surprised as me. But Abigail suddenly looked guilty. She knew about whatever's going on.

"Why?" He asked again, voice going up. "Why'd you do it?"

"Do what?" I asked as the driver murmured quietly, "we're here." We ignored him.

Oliver shook his head. "You kissed him. Why?"

My breath caught in my throat. What do I say? Confess, deny?

"I kissed who?" I asked, hoping it sounded legit.

He scoffed. "Don't fucking play dumb. Parker. Why'd you kiss Parker?" He stared me straight in the eye angrily.

"I-" I didn't know what to say. I actually was at a loss for words. I knew ever since I kissed him that this moment was going to happen, that I'd have to tell Oliver. But I had expected more time to prepare myself, find some way to phrase this perfectly.

But I didn't have any time.

How much did Oliver know? Did he know about it all? About the drunk one, or the one at school?

"Wh-- How do you know?" I whispered quietly.

"Doesn't matter." He spat. "But I just dumped Parker. But I can't really dump my best friend."

We were all completely quiet. No one knew what to say to that, and Oliver was fighting back tears. Of anger, probably.

"Now," he said. "We're going to go in there, and you're going to charm their fucking brains out so there's no chance of them dropping us. Because no matter how much I hate you, I don't want to ruin everything." He opened the door on his side, and slammed it shut behind him.

We stared after him for a moment, then we all jumped up at the same time, following him out the doors.

He ignored his anger, I ignored my shame, Abigail ignored her guilt, and Theo ignored his disappointment.

For the band.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, we didn't quite make the comment goal, but I didn't really expect to.
I just felt so bad about the loooooong break, and life is a lie.... was getting a little anxious. ;)
Just, sorry again.

Can I tell you a little ironic thing? :c
I told you I'm roleplayingbecause I'm that big a loser and I'm in this one where I'm a character named Parker. I stole him from this story.
Anyways. I was just goin' along, when I got a private message from another RPer, asking if she could claim him.
Her character's name is Ollie. Ollie has a twin. Ollie and Parker are dating, but just recently broke up.
I lol'd.

Comment Goal: 155