Gay Guitarist

Band Practice

Aiden's P.O.V

When I got to the twins house, I found Theo and Oliver in their usual after-school pursuits. Oliver was on his computer, eyes glued to the screen. I wondered briefly if it was porn, but then decided although Oliver can be a little pervert, he has some amount of pride. Theo was well, being Theo. He was sitting at his drum set, sticks in hand. He was occasionally going to hit the cymbal just to bother his brother. The TV was turned on to WWE, and he was cheering, and yelling, "You suck!"s to his favourite wrestlers, and most hated. His hand was also stuck in a large bag of chips.

"Aiden?" Theo said, mouth full of his most recent handful that he had stuffed in his mouth. "Why're you here, Art? Oh shit, is it band? I forgot!" Theo grabbed the remote, and pressed the power button on the TV. He then sat at his drums quietly, trying to seem like the perfect drummer. He had used the nickname Art that the guys had given me. There was no real special reason I was called Art, just that my initials, Aiden Robert Tyler spelt out ART. Only the guys in the band called me that, though. Most people seemed intimidated by me, and called me Aiden, or sometimes even Aiden Tyler to my face.

I laughed quietly. "No, it's Friday." I said. Band practice was scheduled Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday at 4:30, and Saturday, Sunday at 6. We took Thursday and Friday off because of Oliver's illness. He and his mom drove up to Belleville on Thursday and stayed the night. He went to the doctor's there, and came back on Friday.

I walked past Theo, who had turned the TV back on, and was watching the show again. I slumped myself on the couch, and turned to Oliver.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked, boredly.

"Reading manga." He replied, not even looking up at me.

"Fun." I said under my breath, and looked up at the ceiling. Maybe I should've gone straight to the party. These guys were obviously going to stay here until Monday, when they would be forced to go to school.

"Guys," I said, without real hopes they would agree, "want to go to a party tonight?"

Theo looked away from the TV. "Who's?"

"Anna Larkley's. Y'know, blond girl in our math?"

"Oh," he said, "her." With that, Theo looked back at the screen. I sighed, and turned my attention to Oliver. "Want to go?"

Oliver looked at me for a moment, a wild look in his eyes. His mouth was halfway open, like he was about to say something, but couldn't. I stood up, and went to stand beside him. I turned his head to face mine, and I looked him in the eyes.

"Ignore them." I said, voice full of authority. "Aiden's here. Theo's here. Oliver's here." I pointed each name out. He looked at me for a moment, and then, he blinked. When he opened his eyes again, they looked normal again. "S-sorry." He stuttered, and his eyes went to his feet.

I sighed, and said, "I guess that's a no?"

"No! I want to go!" Oliver said suddenly.

"Oli, you don't have to prove yourself or anything."

"No, no! I want to go! I can do it!"

I looked at Oliver's determined eyes, and I knew that if I brought him, he would do exactly what he did before again. But if I didn't bring him, he would come anyways, and end up getting hurt when he loses touch with reality with no one to bring him back.

"Alright," I said hesitantly, "but you're not leaving my sight."
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I got two comments, so I'm happier. c;