Gay Guitarist

My Beautiful


I wrenched myself out of another flashback. It was definitely not the best way to find out your best friend was gay, and to confirm an acquaintances sexuality.

An unpleasant experience. But not something to cry over. A frown slipped over my face as I remembered the tears that had fallen over my cheeks in that moment of tortured agony. An unexplainable feeling had coursed through my veins, a mixture between the blackest sorrow, and the most red hot anger.

And the weirdest thing? It had not been Oliver's name screaming in my head. It had not been, "No Oliver, NOOO!" The name was the one of the other boy occupying the bed. "No Parker, NOO!"

"Baby? My dad's gonna be home soon." Rachel's voice whispered beside me. Because it was her bed I was lying on, her delicate body naked, draped over my equally naked form. A mindless feeling had led me here, to sex, my always available substitute of love. I had arrived at her house at 3 in the morning, with no pretense. No lovely little sweet talk. I had practically barged in, demanding she give up her body for me.

Which she willingly did.

It had always astounded me how these people could just bend to my every will with no trust, no love involve. It's not like my intentions were ever unclear. Not like I knew anything more about them then if they had any STD's I should know about. How could they be such whores to nothing more then a pretty face, and a promise of a good time?

I swept my hand across the small of her back before I pushed her gently off of me. I sat up and swung my legs off the bed, and started to pull my clothes on, quickly.

"Aiden?" Rachel said softly, cautiously. "What was this about?"

I froze. Dammit, I forgot. For all Rachel's shallowness, she was still intuitive. Well, more so then Mekayla. It would be Mekayla's bedroom I was in right now, but Rachel's house was closer.

"Not that this wasn't amazing." She said hastily, misinterpreting my silence. I thought about her question for a minute. What WAS this all about? I wasn't usually that... forceful.

"What?" I said, choosing my words carefully. "can't I spend the night with my beautiful Rachel?" I turned to face her. She was glowing at the words 'my beautiful'. I pulled her close to me, and touched my lips to hers. "Besides," I murmured, "I missed you." As I spoke, my lips brushed against hers, causing a shiver to break across her smooth skin. She moaned softly, and threw herself onto me, kissing me, hard.

A few minutes later, Rachel pulled her lips from mine, and looked me in the eyes.

"I love you." she whispered. The words had been given to me from her lips before. But looking into her pale gray eyes, I could tell this time, she meant it. And that scared me.

"I love you too." I lied easily, hoping she would somehow believe it. "But your dad's gonna kick my ass." With that, I pulled away from her, and grabbed the only clothing I didn't have on, my shirt, and walked away from yet another girl who loved me.
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I like this chapter.
You get a good glimpse into Aiden's person. (:
Comments? ;D