Welcome To Suburbia

First Day Of School.

It was a nice, sunny, windy day in Billsford, Massachusetts. Kids and teens were waking up to start the day off with a nice breakfest. It was the first day of school, and they were rushing out of the door to catch their buses, holding their new schedules.

In an old, beat-up one story house in North Billsford, a red-haired girl kept her face stuffed into a pillow. Minutes eventually turned into a half-hour, and after a mental battle to awaken, she forced herself up. As she opened her phone, she let a curse word that rhymed with truck, and made her way out of bed. She changed into a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a leopard spotted tank top, and a small black zip-up. She threw on her Doc Martens, and tossed some make-up, perfume, cigarettes, a lighter, and some pens into her bag. She grabbed her car keys and her schedule and made her way out of the door. The sound of the Dead Kennedys blared through the streets of Billsford as she made her way into school. She parked, and made her way towards the office for a late pass.

The blonde haired secretary looked up at her as she made her way in. "Starting already, Miss Sullivan?" the lady asked as she signed a tardy slip. "Mmm." Abigail mumbled as she grabbed the pass. She looked down at her schedule, to see she had English first block. She had the same English teacher, Mr. Waltham, as she did her sophomore and junior year. She sighed angrily as she made her way into English. The class turned to look at her as she entered the room. "Well, well, Miss Sullivan, it's nice of you to join us, you're lucky we're just going over classroom policies. Although I'll probably have to remind you of them throughout the year." he said as the class chuckled along with him. "It's not my fault your voice gently rocks me to sleep." Abigail responded back as the class burst out in more chuckles, she headed towards her seat. "I'm not sending anyone to detention on the first day, so I'll leave you be. Now back to what I was saying, you are to be here strictly at..........."

Meanwhile, in Amesbury Park....

"Oh, Gavin honey, you'll love it in Billsford. It'll be a nice change from the city, I heard it's really rural." A brunette told her son as they taped up and labeled boxes. "I just don't see why I have to switch schools in my senior year, it's stupid." Gavin responded bitterly as he wrapped newspaper around some dishes. "I know hun, I'm sorry, but your father really wants us to get out of the city." his mom responded. "He always wants us to leave." Gavin muttered as he finished the box. "When are we leaving again?" "Next Tuesday, are you getting your sign-out papers ready?" She asked her son as she leaned against a counter. "Yes mom, although it looked pretty messed up on the first day to be signing out." Gavin said as he made his made out of the kitchen and up to his room. His mom let out a sigh as she started to park another box. She wished her son would have a more optimistic view on the move, but she knew it would be hard on him.
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It's slow, I'm sorry. D:
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