Status: Work In Progress

Teardrops Turn to Rain

Chapter 1

The tears prickled her cheeks. She tried to close her eyes, to not think about tomorrow. She knew not of how she was ever to live again, now that he was gone. He had just left her, no goodbye or anything. It was like everything they had shared throughout the past two years was now a distant memory. That thought echoed in her mind. It ached her broken heart. She couldn’t bear the thought of living without him, but she knew she must carry on, if not for her then for her friends and family. She was the pillar of strength her mother leaned on when things got tough, without her everyone would be at a loss.

As she walked away from his house, memories flashed through her mind. Things went at a million miles per hour, every kiss, every touch. The memories that were once the foundations of her dreams now haunted her every waking moment. She wished that she’s made more of the time they had spent together, but she knew that she couldn’t have done much more than she did. She made every moment with him precious and even now though the memories were killing her, she knew she could look back and be happy knowing that she had loved him as much as he had loved her.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sitting in her room, she looked around. The place that she once hated, loathed had now become her solitude, her haven. It was as if everything she had known for the past years now seemed lost, forgotten. Tears welled up in her eyes as she thought about the message he had left her, after he’d walked out of her life.

It was cold, heartless, like she was someone he had never met, never loved, hated. The tears began to drip unwillingly, and although she tried to stop them she knew they were there for a reason. They belonged, just like the pain she felt in her broken heart, and the feeling of immense nausea she felt in the pit of her stomach.

His words rang in her ears, she tried to block them out but they just got louder.
“It’s over. “
“I’m leaving.”
“I DON’T LOVE YOU.” As soon as that send her body just collapsed into a heap on her bed, she felt empty, like she couldn’t go on. She could hear the coldness, the emptiness of his voice. She tried not to believe what he was saying, but she knew deep down that he meant every word. She thought her heart couldn’t break anymore, but she was wrong.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my first chapter. It's inspired by New Moon where Edward leaves Bella but it is my work. I hope you like it.