Brother and Sister

The Reception

We came inside and I saw Aunt Andrea at the stage with the DJ, she smiled and motioned for them to announce us.

“Ladies and gentleman put your hands together for Mr. and Mrs. Matthews!”

Everyone cheered and held their glasses to us. I smiled and raised our hands up in the air.
Grandma Angela and Grandma Amanda both came to hug us. Grandpa Jay kissed my cheek and shook John’s hand. Uncle Daniel kissed my cheek also and hugged John. The only one of my uncles not there was Uncle Michael. He sent us back our invitation. I didn’t let it bother me. We were embarrassed by all of our family members, apparently John’s dad Aaron never showed either. John was upset when his mom only came to hug me and him. Brian hugged me tightly and then shook Johns hand. He apologized for Uncle Michaels stubbornness.

Tyler came and slapped John’s shoulder, “Well man you’re life is officially over. I mean

Rachel is going to ruin your life. She’s to damn controlling and annoying. And she can’t cook to safe her life. I mean are you sure you know what your doing?”

I wanted to slap him, he winked at me and hugged me tight, “You know I was kidding. I love you big sis.”

I smiled, “Pain in the ass.”

He laughed, he shook John’s hand, “Welcome to family brother.”

John smiled, “Thanks bro.”

Andrea came up to me and pulled me aside, “We never paid the stripper you know. So I asked Megan to go by the club he works at and pay him.”

I blushed, the bachelor party last week was a disaster! I hated every bit of it. Especially more when I said no strippers and the first thing that happens is the stupid stripper walks threw the doors and starts molesting me.

I rolled my eyes, “I don’t care.” I whispered.

She laughed, “We have a picture you know!”

I walked away from her, careful not to trip on my dress. John and I walk to our long table that holds all of our brides-maids and grooms-men. Jonathan was John’s best man so when he stood up I knew he was giving a speech. I pulled away from my food and leaned against John’s shoulder, holding his hand.

“So as the best man and the brother of the groom, I have few words to say.” He held up his glass to us and grinned.

“Welcome Rachel to the family, I never had a sister like you before and I’m so happy that you are everything I would want if I ever had a sister. You’re funny, beautiful, and fantastic. I wish you happiness with my brother; I can see that you too are meant for each other. I hope you have happy life together, and may it be filled with such joy. I love you guys. To Rachel and John!”

He held up his glass and winked at us.

I smiled and took a drink out of my wine. The glasses were beautiful, it had a lavender bow at the end and the glass was written in cursive saying “Rachel and John.” It was wonderful.

The napkins had “Rachel and John forever” The cake was huge! It had two little dolls on top a bride and groom. It was decorated in lavender rose petals –can you guess the theme?- it was a three layer cake and beautiful.

John stood up, I starred up at him. “Where you going?”

He kissed my forehead, “I’ll be back. I promise.”

He walked away and I continued my conversation with Stephanie. We were talking about
school and a paper that I have due next week, and she hated me when I told her they gave me an extension because of the wedding. I got to hold her baby girl. She was absolutely beautiful. I loved her so much. She would play with my necklace Aunt Megan put on me, it was my mothers, she wore it at her wedding. I played with her until Jonathan came to get me. He was panicked.

I gave Stephanie the baby and stood up, “What’s wrong?” He grabbed my hand and held it until I was standing in front of him.

“Its John. My dad is here, he’s trying to convince John to leave you now. He’s gone mad Rachel.” He led me to down the aisle, we acted like nothing was wrong though in front of the crowd but once we were outside I released that tension.

I saw Aaron and John face to face, yelling. I ran over to them. I pulled John away and stood in between them.

“Stop it! This is a wedding for christ’s sake! Enough is enough!” I yelled. John looked down at me and then sighed.

“Why are you with me Rachel? Tell that to my father, so he can back the fuck off.” He gritted his teeth together. I turned towards Aaron and crossed my arms.

“Listen. I love John. I always have, I’m not after his money, I’m not after anything you guys love and treasure, all I want is his love. And I have that. I want nothing else. John is a special person in my life, he’s my husband now. I wish you and my Uncle Michael could see that and drop this whole hostility. I mean it Aaron, you leave John alone, and you leave me alone. If you can’t deal with our love for each other, than just leave us alone and never call us again. But I won’t let you do that, I want you apart of our lives. I want you to meet our children; I want you to accept John for who he is. My dad loved John, so did my mother. As much as it hurts for me to talk about them now, especially tonight. I know that they would tell John to take care of me, to love me each second of the day. I want you to know that I will make John happy; I won’t let him be upset around me. I won’t stand to see the hurt in his eyes every time I mention you, or when he remembers something that you used to do together. I will provide John with anything he desires, I will love John till the day I die. I won’t ever betray his love, I will never leave him. I made a vow to love him in sickness and in health, I will stick to that. I need you to stop hating him for marrying me. I just need you to drop the bomb and tell your son that you love him. Please. You don’t have to love me, or like me. I just need you to love him.”

I took a deep breath and walked behind John. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. Aaron looked at me then at John.

He took a deep breath and sighed, “I never hated you Rachel.” He took a deep breath
again, “I always thought he could do better. When I met your father and mother, I realized that he did the best. He met someone with a stable family, with parents that love their daughter and son with every breath they take. I wanted to walk away, because I never showed that kind of love to my kids the way your parents did for you and your brother. I hated myself so much. What I hated the most was that I never showed you that I already loved you as a……daughter. I could see in your eyes how cautious you were whenever I was around. I hated that John could see that every time you guys visited. I would get it terribly from Rosemary every time you guys would leave after a visit. She honestly thought I didn’t love you the way I should. I do love you son. I really do. If anything happened to you I would die. Please could you forgive…….me? I’m really sorry John.”

John tensed, I starred at his face. He was calm. He looked down at me and sighed.
He turned back to his dad and walked over to him, I crossed my arms and starred at them.

John touched his shoulder and said, “I do forgive you dad.”

Aaron hugged him, it was such an emotional moment I slipped away. I walked inside to find
Jonathan pacing. I smiled.

“Everything’s ok. They made up.” I touched his cheek.

He exhaled like he’s been holding it for a long time, “Thank gosh.”

He grabbed my hand and walked me inside, “Wanna dance?”

I nod, “Yes of course.”

We dance to a slow country song, and then it shifts to something more dancy. We stay on the floor jumping up and down and laughing with family. John comes in with his dad laughing, he see’s me and walks towards me to take Jonathan’s place.

“Mind if I cut in?” he asks.

I smile and twine my fingers threw his, Jonathan laughs. “She’s your wife. Why ask?”

I rolled my eyes, no wonder Tyler liked him so much. Both pain in the asses.

Tyler was dancing with Megan, I winked at them and turn to stare at my husband. His eyes were shining in happiness.

“You look so happy.” I muse, touching his face. He took my hand on his face and place them to his chest.

“Thank you, love.” He whispers.

I smile, “Anytime.”

I close my eyes and enjoy this moment so much. Then the singer from the DJ clears his throat in the microphone.

“I couldn’t help but notice the bride and groom over there. How about we all clear the dance floor and let these newlyweds have their first dance?”

Everyone cheered and cleared the floor. John held me to his chest with our hands still on his chest. His other hand was around my waist, rubbing my back. I grinned.
I gasped when I heard the song, then nearly broke down. It was my mom’s and dad’s wedding song. “A Groovy Kind of Love.” by Phil Colin’s. Tears stream down my face one by one. John let go of my hand and wipes away the tears.

We dance together, I cried the whole damn time. When the song ended I looked up at him and he was sad. I reached up to lean my forehead against his, I close my eyes and I could hear all the damn cameras go off.

I looked up at him and he grinned, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

I laughed, “No. That song made it seem like they were here more than I feel. I loved it. Don’t worry.”

He grinned and kissed my forehead, “I love you.”

I smile, “I love you too.”

Tyler walked up to us and smiled, “My turn!”

I laughed and John walks back to grab his mother. The DJ puts on “Fireflies” by Faith Hill.
Tyler grins down at me, “You look beautiful.”

I grin, “You look handsome.”

He smirked, “I always do.”

I laugh, “You’re so full of yourself.” He laughs with me.

“Seriously, it’s kind of hard to talk to you. You look so much like mom right now.” He looks away.

“Hey, look at me. She’s still here you know, in our hearts. So is dad.” I lean my head against his chest.

He rubs my back, “Yeah I know. I just wish they were here here, not in here.”

I nodded, “Tyler you can’t think that way. Their happy wherever their at and extremely proud of us. Ok?”

He nods, “Ok.” He takes a deep breath and then grins, “Ok, so I’m going to act like mom would right now. Is that ok?”

I shrug, “I guess.”

He laughs, “Here we go.” He took a deep breath. “Oh sweetheart, I’m so happy for you. You look like princess! I’m just happy that you found John. I’m so happy for you two. It’s so right! Take care of each other ok? Love each other every second.” He looked down at me, tears were running down my face. That’s exactly what he would say.

His face went to panic in two seconds, “Hey don’t cry! I’m sorry. I thought you might like that. I’m sorry sis.”

He squeezes me tightly.

I smiled, “No I did. I’m sorry I’m just happy. That’s exactly what she would say Tyler. Thank you. I needed that.”

He grinned, “You’re welcome.”

When the song ended, Andrea came to me and pulled me aside.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

She shakes her head, “It’s almost midnight. We planned this remember? Come on.”
Time went by so fast! Whoa.

We planned this perfectly. We wanted our first kiss as husband and wife was going to be set when the clock struck twelve.

Andrea stood on the stage and held out her hands, “Ok everybody! Midnight is almost here!
Everyone gather around!”

Everyone came to the front of the stage, while me and John stood together on the stage. Aunt Andrea joined everyone down at the bottom.

“What time is it?” I asked the DJ.

He checked his watch and said, “20 more seconds.”

I smiled, “Thanks.”

I grab the microphone, counting in my head till it hits 10.

“10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 1….HAPPY NEW YEAR!” everyone cheers, hugs and throws confetti all over the place. I put the microphone down and wrap my arms around John’s neck to press my lips to his for the first time as husband and wife in this New Year.

Everyone claps when they see us kissing. I pull away and grin at him. He’s grinning back so big, it makes my heart squeeze. I’ve never seen him smile like this before.

We dance a little more than it was time to say goodbye.

I walked up on stage, shaking the DJ’s hand and then grabbing the microphone.

“Thank you to everybody who came today. John and I appreciate it very much. We hope you have a safe trip home! We love you!”

Everyone clapped again and soon they cleared out. Andrea ran out and I heard her yelling. She comes back in pulls me and John to the door.

“Run out! You have to do it!” she squeals. She runs out and then John takes my hand. We open the door and run outside, everyone claps and throw’s rice in our way. John stops us at the limo and kisses me once more. Everyone claps again and yells. John holds the door open, helps me in, waves goodbye to everyone then he’s sitting right beside me. I roll down the window and wave goodbye.

“I love you!” I yell. “Goodbye!”

Everyone waves goodbye, Tyler wave’s goodbye too. He was flying back home with Aunt Megan until me and John get back from our honeymoon.

I lean back inside the limo, roll up the window and stare at my husband.

“Here we go.” He whispers.

I smile, “Spain here we come!”

He grins and kisses my cheek. Barcelona, Spain was our destination we saved up for, for our honeymoon. I pull his face to mine and kiss his lips. Happiness filling me so fast. I’m so happy that I finally accepted to pick a date and marry this wonderful man who was now and forever mine.