Brother and Sister


It’s been a week since we’ve been back and Tyler is adjusting wonderfully to his new life. We talk every night and day, we laugh and laugh. And John stays up late with him on weekends playing Wii till three in the morning. Stupid boys and their game playing all night minds.

It was Wednesday morning of November; I was laying the plates of bacon and eggs in front of the boys. I sat down next to them and sighed. Thanksgiving was coming up and Grandma Amanda wanted us home this year. Tyler and I were not ready for this.

Tyler loved my home, because it was small and cozy as he put it once. The dinning room and the living room were connected along with the large kitchen. All the rooms were upstairs except the computer room/game room. That’s were Tyler and John stayed all night and day during the weekend. It was three bedroom home, but each room was big but small, making it cozy and comfortable. All the walls were a light bage color, I didn’t mind though.

“Ok sis, I need you to come with me to school because…….Mrs. I’m so smart and you’re not Colin wants to talk to you about my grades.” He kept his head down.

I sighed, “Tyler, really? Already having trouble?”

He laughed, “I guess.”

“This is not funny Tyler. Please promise me right now that you’ll behave yourself? Please.”

He thought for a moment, “Well?”

“TYLER!” I yelled.

He laughed, “Ok, Ok.”

I rolled my eyes, “You’re such a dork.”

“Thank you, its one of my special qualities.” He smirked.

I giggled, “But I still love you.”

He looked up and smiled, “I love you too.”

John clapped his hands together, “ touching” He put his face into a mock frown. I laughed and Tyler did too.

I was on my way to Tyler’s school West High School. He told me about the basketball team and how they were begging him to join the team.

“Just join. You’re so good at it.” I mussed.

He shrugged, “Eh, I don’t know. It was always something me and………dad did together.”

I reached over with my hand and placed it on his shoulder. “You know he would be proud if you did.”

“You think?” he asked me.

I smiled, “Yes.”

He nodded, “I’ll think about then.”

I grinned, “Good.”

We got to the school, I walked off with him and got a few stares and whistles.

Tyler rolled his eyes, “Pervs.” He muttered.

I bit my bottom lip to keep from laughing; even though I was the oldest Tyler acted like the older brother. I remember when I first brought John home, him and Dad starred him down from the time he walked through the door, at dinner and till the day we left.

We walked in the doors and he led me to Mrs. Colin’s room. “Alright. Have a good day Ty.” I whispered.

He laughed, “Thanks you too.” He stuck his hands in his pockets and met up with a few people.

I opened the door and peaked around the door, “Hello?”
Mrs. Colin was a very pretty lady, she had pretty brown eyes with beautiful light brown hair that curled nicely around round face.

She smiled and stood up, “You must be Tyler’s sister right?”

I nodded and held out my hand, “Yes I am.”

She shook my hand, “Pleasure to meet you. Thank you for coming out this morning.”

I nodded, “It was no problem.”

“Please have a seat Miss?” She waited.

“Oh just call me Rachel.” I sat in a student’s desk and had a sense of de ja vu. So many years have passed since I sat in a desk in a high school.

“Rachel.” She sat in her seat and leaned forward. She twined her fingers together and took a deep breath.

“So what’s the problem?” I asked.

She smiled, “Nothing. I just wanted to let you know that Tyler is doing exceptionally well.”

I relaxed a little and grinned, “Really?”

She nodded, “Yes. I got a report from the principle about updating you every other week about Tyler. I’m very sorry for your loss.”

I starred at her for a moment, “A report?”

“Yes. It happens to anyone who moves legally to another family. In your case, Tyler is still under age and even though he’s your family member we still have to send updates to you and the agency.” I shook my head slightly, I tried so hard to wrap my head around this.

“Nobody told me anything about an agency and updates.” I spat.

Her forehead wrinkled in confusion, “Yes social service does this. It’s a requirement.”

I leaned back in my seat and let out a big gust of air, “Wow, no one told me this.”

She stood up and sat in the front of her desk, “Yes they do this just to make sure the child is adjusting well. Theirs no worries Rachel, Tyler is doing amazing in all his classes.” She grinned.

I starred up at her, “So if he doesn’t do well, he gets sent away?”

She nodded and hung her head down, “Yes. He’ll be sent to another family member or to a
foster home. I’m really surprised no one told you about this.”

That makes two of us I thought to myself. I composed myself and stood up.

“Well thank you for telling me about Tyler.” I smiled.

She grinned, “Sure. I’ll send out another request for you to come back in two weeks.”

I forced a smile, “Thank you. Have a nice day Mrs. Colin’s.”

She nodded, “You too.”

I walked out and powered walk my butt to my car. I threw my hand bag to the passenger seat and pulled out of the school’s parking lot.

I ran into my home and threw my keys and bag on the sofa and grabbed the house phone.

“Aunt Andrea, tell me what the hell is going on!” I yelled.

“What do you mean?” she spat out.

“Why didn’t you tell me about social services checking up on me and Tyler?!” I paced back and forth in the living room throwing my hand every where.

She sighed, “Oh well it must have slipped my mind.” She laughed.

“What the fuck is going on in your head right now? I got my brother because that’s what mom and dad wanted!”

“Well I’m Tyler’s godmother and you’re mother had me sign a legal document that entitled Tyler to come to me if you couldn’t handle it. So when social services contacted me, they told me about the updates and the visits.”

“Visits?” I cut her off.

“Yes visits. Oh by the way, they’ll be their tomorrow.” She laughed.

“Thanks a lot, Auntie.” I said between clenched teeth.
She stayed quiet for a long time. The line went dead and I chunked the phone at the wall, causing a little chip in the wall but nothing serious. John came out of the computer room with a shock face.

“What’s wrong?” he crossed the room and leaned against the back of the sofa.

I crossed my arms and started pacing again. “Aunt Andrea! She’s ruining everything! She’s trying to take away Tyler!”


“Keep up John. Andrea didn’t tell me about social services receiving updates about Tyler. If he or I screws up, he’s out! Oh yea and by the way, we’ll be getting a visit from them tomorrow. Stupid bitch. God I hate her!”

John’s arms were around me. I leaned my head against his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist.

“Calm down babe. Everything will be ok.” He soothed. I loved these moments with John. When he had his arms around me, they were so……….awesome? Ha-ha. No, more like beautiful and comforting.

“I hope it does.” I sighed.

He kissed the top of my head and rubbed my back, “It will. I promise. And if it doesn’t…..well we will figure out something.”

I looked up and kissed his lips, “Thank you.”

He smiled. It always took my breath away. “You’re welcome.”
I pulled away from his arms and walked into the kitchen. He followed me.

“So how is this whole ‘surprise visit’ going to work?” he asked leaning against the counter.

“I don’t know. Just act normal really. All they want to know is if Tyler is living a happy life and adjusting to the environment, that’s all. I mean he seems happy right?” I kept my eyes looking outside from the kitchen window. John placed his hands on my shoulders and rubbed them.

“Yes Rachel. He’s very happy to be living with his big sister and son-to-be brother in law.”

He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pressed his lips to my cheek. “Just relax please. Everything will work out.”

I nodded. “As long as you’re beside me.”

He twisted me around and held my face in his palms, “For as long as I live, I will be there with you every step of the way.”

I smiled, “Ok.”

He leaned down and kissed me, “I love you.”

I grinned, “I love you too.”