Life's a Game but it's not Fair


Holly groaned as the alarm on her phone went off. She blindly threw her arm out in an effort to shut it off. After the fourth attempt she managed to grab it off the nightstand. She squinted as she looked at the time. Nine am. Fuck, she thought. She had to meet with admissions at the University of Toronto at ten thirty. She groaned again as she flopped back onto her pillow. Her hand rose to pinch the bridge of her nose. She had the worst fucking headache and it felt like someone was constantly punching her right between the eyes. Viktor’s arms wrapped tightly around Holly and she felt his head against her back. All of a sudden everything from last night came back to her. Jack and Jose. Going shot for shot with Tyler. Tyler’s hands all over her. Trying to get Viktor to dance with her. Pulling him into the bedroom and kissing him. Trying to get him to sleep with her. “Oh my god.” She muttered. She had made a complete fool of herself.

Holly rolled over so that she was facing Viktor who was still fast asleep. When Holly looked at him her heart skipped a beat and for the first time she found herself taking in just how overwhelmingly beautiful he was. Sure, when Holly had first met Viktor back in Vermont she thought he was gorgeous but that faded fast. Holly hadn’t been interested in Viktor like that. They were best friends and, unlike a lot of other guys and girls that say they're best friends, there was absolutely no attraction between them. There were no late night booty calls. There were no kisses. There were no ulterior motives. So why all of a sudden was Holly’s heart acting up as she watched her best friend sleeping next to her? Why was her stomach unexpectedly filled with butterflies?

Holly slipped out of Viktor’s bed unnoticed and grabbed a few things before heading towards the door. She paused when she reached it and turned to look at Viktor again. He was laying face up with the blanket resting across his hips like he always did. Viktor was always warm. He would much rather sleep on top of his blankets than under them, but Holly was always cold and he constantly compromised for her. Holly’s eyes settled on his shirtless upper body and she bit her bottom lip as her gaze travelled down his chest to his rock hard abs. Her eyes didn't stop there however; they continued downward and stopped at the ‘v’ just above the waistband of his boxers that were poking out of his sweat pants. Sex lines as Holly liked to refer to them as. That was a huge turn on for Holly. She didn't know exactly why, but those lines got her all hot and bothered. “Cold shower it is.” She mumbled to herself as she forced herself to stop gawking at her best friend and left the bedroom.

Viktor was awoken by light noise in the bedroom and when he opened his eyes he saw Holly. He just about died when he realized that she was wrapped in a barely there towel and her long blonde hair was hanging, wet, around her stunning face. He closed his eyes tightly. He couldn't understand why Holly was all he could think about. “I see I'm not the only one that's hung over.” Holly stated. While she was freezing her ass off in the shower she had decided to pretend like nothing had happened last night. He probably wouldn't remember anyways.

“Oh. Yah.” Viktor replied. He didn't feel one bit hung over but he went with it. It was easier than explaining to his best friend that he wanted nothing more than to pull that towel from her slightly wet body and make love to her.

“I'm sorry Vik.” She told him as she crawled on the bed towards him. “I shouldn’t have made you drink away my troubles with me.” She said as she kissed his cheek.

“Jesus, Hol!” Viktor exclaimed as he felt her cold lips on his face. “You're freezing!” He continued as he sat up and placed his hands on her bare arms. She was ice cold. “Is the hot water not working?”

“” Holly responded. “I, uh...I just needed to wake up. Cold showers are good for hang overs.” She told him, hoping that he would just drop the whole cold shower thing. The last thing she wanted to tell him was that she took a cold shower because the sight of his half naked body had turned her on to the extent that she actually needed that cold shower. “So are you going to drive me to this thing today or are you going to make me take public transportation all by myself?” She asked him, sticking out her bottom lip.

“It would probably be good for you to take the bus.” He told her. His response made Holly’s eyes widen. She had never been on a public bus before. She wasn’t even sure she knew how to take a bus. Viktor, seeing Holly’s fear, started to laugh. “But you know I would never do that to you.” Holly sighed with relief.

“You had me scared there for a sec! I thought you were going to make me..”

“We’ll take the bus together.” Viktor informed her.

“What?!” Holly exclaimed as her face dropped. “Why are we taking the bus when you have a car?”

“Because you don't have a car and I'm not always here to drive you places.”

“I’ll get a car.” She told him. It came out as more of a plea. It sounded like she was saying 'I'll get a car, just please don't make me take the bus,' and it amused Viktor.

“How are you going to get a car? You cut yourself off from your parents. You're broke.” Holly pushed her face into her hands as she groaned.

“Why did I let you talk me into cutting up my credit cards?!” She exclaimed, frustrated. Viktor sat back against the headboard of his bed and grinned to himself. He was proud of Holly for trying to make it on her own, and he was happy that she had come to him for help. “Fine.” She grumbled. “The bus it is.” She said as she got off the bed and began stomping towards the bathroom. “But if I get Swine I am taking you down with me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
a little short, the next chapter will be longer i promise.
this story is my number one favourite to write.
i just have so much fun with it.
i hope you guys are liking it too, but a comment whore. i love it.
if youre reading this please, please, pleeeease comment. even if you hate it!
i would love any feedback at all