Status: Two shot complete.

Time for Miracles


I sat by the window of the small crappy motel room, just watching the disasters outside happen.

Another riot - another bunch of lives lost due to the riot.

The worse part is that I couldn't do anything to stop this from happening. I mean, who on earth - and I meant that literally - can stop the apocalypse from happening?

I started this. I broke the first seal when I paid my time in Hell. It was all my fault. Now everyone is damned to damnation because of me. The feeling I feel is worse than dying; knowing that you've caused all this to happen.

The angels have decided that it was time to let things go through its natural state and left.

Now I bet my bottom dollar they are up there watching the world end while popping champagne and toasting to each other's success.

Screams and cries from little children and women could be heard outside before a glass shattering could be heard.

I shut my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose just wishing the noises would stop. The little children don't deserve to die like this. They are far too innocent for their lives to end this way. It wasn't fair.

"Dean," a hoarse voice called out causing me to turn to look at Castiel, who was sitting at the edge of my bed.

Castiel - one of the two fallen angels I know - excluding the Devil himself.

His 'grace' was taken from him by the bigger angels. He was smited by one of the archangels but for some unknown reasons, he came back as a whole - without any scratches on him. He wouldn't tell us how he got 'resurrected'.

Apart from that, he wasn't allowed to enter Heaven because he helped us try to stop the apocalypse from happening.

But I was proud to call him my friend. My really good friend.

I saw the pained look on his face - it was a miracle that he could feel an emotion at all.

"What is it?" I asked though deep down, I didn't want to know what he was thinking of.

He stood up and walked towards me, the wood he was walking on creaked out loud.

"It has been an honor to know you," he said.

My eyes gazed over at Sam who was looking at Castiel with the same look. I felt myself frown with anger before I glared at the fallen angel.

"Whoa!" I shouted and stood up, pacing around the room. "Don't say that! We're not going to die."

There has to be a way to stop this all from happening. There just have to.

"Accept the fact, Dean," Castiel had a sense of urgency in his voice. "If the angels cannot stop this from happening, how can we?"

"This isn't goodbye, Cas! I am not going to go down like this!" I shook my head, refusing to accept defeat.

I didn't like to feel weak.

"Dean," this time it was Sam to speak.

"No!" I yelled, glaring at my kid brother before looking over at Castiel. "I'm going out to take a breather and when I come back, you guys would have to stop this depression thing."

"I'm coming with you," Sam started but I glared at him.

He knew what the glare meant. So he stepped back and stared at his feet. I looked at him before looking over at my friend.

"I never said this before Cas, but you're a good friend," I choked out the words and gave him one quick hug.

He seemed surprise by my sudden gesture but his face seemed to have softened. I nodded my head and left the room before getting inside the Impala.

"It's just you and me, baby," I whispered as I turned the ignition on.

The car roared to life as though she was talking to me. I started driving away from the motel, hoping to avoid any riots along the way.

It was only three in the afternoon but the sky was dark enough to be called night.

All around me, the streets were deserted, things were scattered everywhere. It looked like all hell had broken loose on these streets.

Who do I want to be with when the world ends? - the sudden question crept into my mind.

I stopped the Impala, surprise by the question I had just asked myself. But the face of the person I thought of next even surprised me even more.

Kelly Stewart - the girl I had fallen in love with after Castiel brought me back to life.

Kelly was also a hunter. And she knew all about my past - even the darkest ones. We were so much in love.

But as soon as she told me about her feelings about five months ago, I left and didn't keep in touch with her.

If she still lives in Michigan, then I should drive over and tell her how I feel - if this was in fact, going to be the end of the world.

And I did.
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First part!