The Day I Fell in Love With a Snake-Boy

Chapter 1

Somehow, I ended up talking with another, very strange man.

“Hello, Luna. I am Mr. Tall.” We shook hands. “How would you like to join the Cirque du Freak?”

“Pardon? I don’t speak French.”

“My mistake. Do you have an interest in joining our Circus?”

“Depends. What am I supposed to do?”

“Well, as you know you have a very unusual talent, and I would like to put it to good use. I ask of you only to perform an act for our audiences as we travel, and maybe take on a few chores.”


“Things like catching some food for the little people, and maybe feeding the wolf man”

“Little people? Wolf man? Well, I guess I could handle a half-man half-wolf. But what are little people?” I tilted my head. I usually do when I am confused.

“Our little helpers, of course. They came to the Cirque with Mr. Desmond Tiny and require only food and sleep. They do not talk or anything. Shouldn’t be too hard? Should it?”

I said no. “So how ‘bout it, Luna?”

I thought about it for a moment before answering “Yes.” Never have I considered my family. Well, Sam’s family. My family is a bit complicated…

Mr. Tall left for a moment and returned with a girl. I stared at her, and she stared back. “Luna, this is Truska. You can either bunk with her, or Darren and Evra. I advise maybe sharing with another girl, but Darren and Evra are closer to your age. You’re thirteen, correct?” I nodded. The girl said a few words that never in my entire life have I heard. I tilted my head again.


“So a girl is going to share our tent?” the snake boy said.

“Why? Is that a problem, scales?” I raised one eyebrow.

“No, but she-“

“Are you sure you want to finish that sentence? Cuz if you ever want children I suggest you don’t make any comments about me being a girl!”

The snake boy sighed and went back to attending his snake. Once Mr. Tall left us alone I turned my back on the snake boy and set up my hammock.

“What did you say your name was?” the half vampire asked, breaking the awkward silence.

“My name is Luna,” I said not looking away from what I was doing. Then it was silent again.

“How did you know I was a half-vampire?”

I turned around, a bit shocked by the randomness of the question.

“My adoptive parents were both vampires. They adopted me because they wanted a child, and I was the only one who would understand them because…” Another momentary silence… “Never mind…” I went back to setting up the spot that I was going to sleep in. Suddenly I felt a little self-conscience about my adoptive vampire parents and my real parents. I then left the tent to go for a little walk.

It was awfully dark already. I transformed into a cat and strolled into the woods.

Incidentally, this would be the best time for me to give a little explanation. I am a shape shifter. I am far from ashamed and I don’t feel like a freak. I openly allow people to notice my unusual talent. It is who I am and no one can change that. I have a feeling my bizarreness is the reason Sam loved me so much. Frankly, I didn’t give a damn. It had been a while since I had been loved. I wasn’t about to give it up. But… now I know I really should have…
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The ending may be a bit confusing to some, but it'll be explained later on.
