Status: One-Shot

Changed Priorities

One and Only.

"Twelve years," A brilliantly red-haired boy shouted. "Twelve years I've known you Hermione; I've loved you for nine."

"I'm quite aware of how long ago I met you, Ronald." A tall brunette woman replied curtly.

"So what? Am I suddenly not good enough? Is that what it is? Have you realized I'm not rich or funny, or attractive, or do you think I'm selfish, and obnoxious and stupid? Or maybe-"
He cried, throwing his hands in the air.

Hermione cut him off with a slap to the face.

"How dare you assume that I don't love you just the way you are! In fact, I love how funny, attractive, smart, completely unselfish and obnoxious you are! Why would you question that?" She yelled.

The redhead was shocked; never had Hermione reacted like that; never.

Taking a deep breath, he spoke.

"If you really love me, then why the bloody hell were you all over that- that... git?"

"Don't tell me you're talking about Professor Lockhart!" Hermione replied incredulously.

"Yes 'Mione, I am!" He cried, breathing heavily. " 'Oh, Professor, how are you? Yes, that's lovely! Your new book is absolutely wonderful!' "

"Ron! I was merely being polite! It must be very hard for him without having his memory!"

"Oh please, he had you at hello!" Ron muttered.

"That was eleven years ago; I was a little girl!" Hermione yelled in response.

"Sure, Hermione. Once a git, always a git! Tell me, do you fancy him now?"

"After six bloody years, Ronald, why are you so insecure? Of course I don't fancy him! I love you, why can't you realize that?" With that, Hermione turned and walked through the door, slamming it behind her.

For the first time in his life, Ronald Weasley was speechless. He stood, motionless, staring at the space where Hermione had been. What had possessed him to attack the brunette like that?

'Hermione would never do that to me,' Ron thought.

But she was gone. She'd left to Merlin-knows-where.

Ron stopped suddenly.

'She had gone out the door; she might not have apparated away.' He told himself.

Clinging to the small hope that Hermione could be outside, Ron opened the door. It was pouring, making it nearly impossible to see anything. As his eyes searched the front lawn, he saw a sudden flash of brown hair. Immediately, he ran toward the small figure, his heart pounding in his chest. By the time he reached her, his hair was plastered to his face, and his clothes clung to his body. He didn't mind; Hermione hadn't left, and that was all he needed. Time

The young woman didn't move as the boy sat next to her on the soaked ground.

"I'm sorry," Ron mumbled, his voice barely audible over the rain.

Hermione looked at him.

"I'd never cheat on you, Ronald. Never," She replied. "I love you; I always have."

"I know," He paused. "I love you too, 'Mione. I don't know why I jumped to conclusions like that. Forgive me?"

The brunette smiled slightly.

"Of course I forgive you," She said, laughing.

Ron stood up, pulling the small woman up with him. The two looked at each other, and as the redhead began to lean forward, Hermione spoke.

"Oh, and Ron, I believe Lockhart had me at: 'I didn't learn joined up writing for nothing, you know.' "

"Merlin, I love you." He said, grinning.

The woman smiled up at him, and grabbed his hand, pulling him toward the door.

"I love you too, Ronald." She whispered over the rain, standing up on her tiptoes and pressing her lips to his.

Opening the door, the pair walked inside, soaking wet and more in love that ever.
As he shut the door with the flick of his wrist, Ron thanked God that his girlfriend hadn't changed her priorities.
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I hope you guys liked it!
It's not my best work; honestly, I wrote it in about, an hour.