Status: at a stand still, writers block and overload of things to do, update soon promise!

To The Hand of Clawed Fingers

This is NOT an arranged marriage story.
It might start out that way, but its truly not.
You have never read anything like it i can promise you.
Though it might have ideas that surface from reading to much DeleSangre Books and The Enchanted Forest, i can promise you it has nothing to specifically do with the Books.

Read a tale about a very unlucky girl who only wanted to escape the injustice of her family, and ended up in the clutches of a mythical creature on an adventure not even her over active imagination could have come up with.
Follow her misfortune, and her search for her true self and belonging when she didnt even know she was lost......
  1. Just Another Unbelievable Story
    Welcome, to my life.
  2. Welcome to the Bad Beginning
    title says it all....
  3. Waking Up to a Bad Dream
  4. Try and Catch Me!
  5. You've Got to Be Kidding Me
    What do you do when your dangling from the claws of a mythical beast?
  6. You Want Me to What?
    Life gives us tough choices...but not this tough...
  7. You LIVE here?
  8. This Plan Isn't Going To Work
  9. Hello Sandman
  10. I Know Exactly How You Feel
    when dragons come to escort you, you cant refuse.....
  11. Basics
  12. Unexpected Friend
  13. So We're Pretty Much Gossip Girls?
  14. Routine Surprise
    happy 17th birthday Vanessa, hope its what you expected!
  15. Fighting Jitters
  16. Sorry