‹ Prequel: A Drama Provider
Sequel: Safe Ride Home
Status: Finished : )

Break Down These Walls

" Please Come Home "

I was dying to get out of the hospital. They made me stay over for two nights, one to get my nutrition back at a stable level, and two to make sure my vitals were alright. Kyle and Alex both insisted on staying behind with me, while the other boys continued on with the tour. Jonathan agreed to take Alex’s place while Rian took Kyle’s.

I wished I could have seen the two sets, but instead I was stuck with an I.V. in my arm. It was impossible to complain with Kyle and Alex around though. The two ran around getting anything I even hinted at needing. I mentioned my feet were cold at one point, and Kyle brought me a brand new six pack of socks. It was kind of hilarious, but also annoying.

I was just happy to finally be dressed in my own clothes and rolled out of the icky hospital. Course, I could have done without the wheelchair, but apparently its hospital code. My ‘protectors’ wouldn’t have let me walk on my own anyway.

Alex was pulling the rented car around while Kyle waited with me by the doors. However, a second later, Kyle had to run back into the hospital because he’d forgotten my new diet plan at the front desk. I rolled my eyes as he persistently asked if I would be alright on my own.

My phone rang before he’d even been gone a minute. My stomach knotted as I checked the caller I.D. and then answered. “Hello?”

Adele Walker! Why have you not called me? Out of the blue I get a ring from Kyle saying you’re in the hospital, and then nothing? What’s going on!” My mother was very good at over acting.

“I’m fine, mom. It was just some heat exhaustion and I worked myself a little too hard. I’m perfectly okay now.” I tried soothing her, but it was no use.

This is insane, Adele. Why don’t you come home?” I sighed. My parents always hated it when I went on tour, in fear of the exact thing that put me in the hospital. “We miss you so much, and we haven’t even had the chance to see you since you moved. It’s not fair you spend all your time with those boys. We are your parents.” This was the guilt trip my mother was also exceptionally good at.

“Maybe I’ll come home after tour ends.” I contemplated. Alex and I did need a little separation, and it was going to have to be a little more than just staying off his bus.

Why not now? You need to recuperate and rest after this spell. Someone needs to watch over you, and you’re going to have to get into a normal routine of sleeping and eating. You can’t do any of that on tour, Adele.

As much as I hated to admit it, she was right. My body was still tired. Resting on tour is next to impossible. The boys couldn’t take care of me all the time. They had their own things to do. Going home was probably in everyone’s best interest.

I sighed and closed my eyes. “I’ll think about it, mom. Okay?”

Oh, please come home sweetheart.” She gushed and then I couldn’t take it anymore. I said goodbye and ended the call. Kyle came out from the hospital and asked me again if I was alright. Alex pulled up and the two helped me into the backseat.

I leaned against the door and mused over my options. With every minute that passed, Texas sounded better. My stomach still churned at the thought of leaving everyone though. I didn’t know what I was going to do, but I knew I had to make a decision soon.
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Adele. One chapter left and a decision to make. Will she run like she did last time? Will she face her problems? sorry it's short : ) tell me something you love and something you hate.