Status: This story is currently being rewritten. - November 29th, 2012

Gonna Bite That Know It All Tongue Off

November 29th, 2012
This story is currently under progress for the first time in a year and a half. Mostly because I want to work on my Demetri fic and I felt like cleaning this one up. Needless to say, some things have been changed and made clearer, so anything you might remember from the first read-through.. forget about it. Sorry for all of the previous confusion. Enjoy!

A new banner and layout will probably pop up later on. This banner has the only picture of the female that I have now, so it's going to take a bit of work to recreate it from this banner. Until then, I've put up a temporary layout with the banner so I don't have to look at that godawful background image.


There is a new student in Forks who attends Forks High School in the daytime and works at the local grocery store at night, yet claims to live no where near Forks when confronted. She claims to not be hungry, but eats all the time.

An Emmett Cullen Fanfiction