Status: completed

Broken Storm



Rain shattered the ground and soaked my pale skin. I looked up into the clouds
The gloominess of the day was depressing, but really their was nothing I could do. I ran to the crappy fort I had made just up the road and warmly greeted Trevor inside.
"Where we goin tonight?" he asked with that 'I feel like doing something stupid' look on his face.
"Dunno" I managed to get out. His phone rang. I close my eyes and hit my head hard on the wood I had picked up from the construction site down the road. Pain erupted in my head like a volcano, and I winced for a second, but then welcoming the pain. I got up without saying goodbye to Trevor or anything, and I left. The rain screamed down and I ran into the woods, hoping Trevor wasn’t following me. I leaned up against a tree and unzipped my backpack.
"What the fuck?" I yelled to no one.
My pills were almost gone.
The pack of benydrill lay half empty at the bottom of my bag along with my water, notebook, a pen and a few other things. I pulled out the pills and popped 3 or 5 into my hand. I couldn’t tell how much I had
So what?
Quickly uncapping my water I slugged the pills down. Viciously I looked around. No one. A sudden rush of paranoia and tiredness washed over me, and all I remember was saying
"I’ll just lay down for a sec, they won’t find me, and I’m ok. I’m just fuckin fine."