Status: completed

Broken Storm


Frank's POV*

"--Just shut the fuck up"
I winged the door open, just missing Thorne, who might have been on her way in. I mentally thought I should have picked her up and carried her to Gerard, kissing her right in front of him, and then punching him in the face. But I stopped myself. I walked down the hall and grabbed my note book off the table. Whipping it open, I uncapped my pen.

Dear Thorne,
Last night was amazing. Don’t pay any attention to Mikey, because he really is a little out of sorts right now. Thorne, I just wanted to tell you that I think we should avoid each other for a while. Really, the only reason for it is that what we have done together is pull everyone apart. I hope you can understand,


I made sure to make the signature at the bottom believable. I folded it up and smiled. The wind was light and refreshing, and I breathed it in deeply as I walked across the field. In the corner of the field was a rotting scarecrow. I kinda shivered when I saw it, but carried on. The barn was cracked open, and I slipped inside. The hay bails were in rows, like a king sized bed, and I almost puked thinking about Gerard laying there with Thorne. I didn’t exactly like Thorne, but I think if I made him jealous, then I would win the battle and I might even end up with a girlfriend. I slipped the note into Thorne's panties and got ready to leave. Just then, I heard someone- anyone- Thorne? Coming. I dove behind a stack of hay and prayed no one heard me. What happened next made me completely sick.