Status: completed

Broken Storm


Franks POV*

The old barn door creaked open and I held my breath. I could hear footsteps approaching the bails of hay, and I closed my eyes, hoping no one could see me. I'm pretty sure it was Thorne, and I waited to here the sweet crinkle of paper. But I didn’t. Instead Thorne stayed on the hay bales for a really long time, humming something and writing in her note book. I heard the pen fly across the paper, so fast and so smooth. I lay on the floor for what felt like forever, staring up at the ceiling. What the hell was she doing? Writing a novel? Just then, Thorne got up, and I heard her brush the hay off her pants.
"What’s this?" She asked out loud, and I think she was reaching for the note.
"Gerard" She said, almost joyful, and at the same time like a question.
"When did he do this? God he's good." I didn’t hear her open it or anything, so I think she just stuck it into her pocket and left. I stayed in the same spot for a minute, waiting for her to come back, but she didn't. I sat up and got ready to leave, eyeing the note book.
No, don’t do that, Frank, that would be bad and if Thorne found out, she would hate you.
I looked anyway.


Hey, I just wanted to thank you for being so nice to me. I’m sorry that I’m screwing your life up and everything. I hope you can understand what I’m about to say. By now, obviously, you haven’t seen me around, and might be curious as to where I am. I don’t exactly know either. I just want you and everyone else to get along. I know that’s kinda weird, but it’s true. I hate seeing Mikey so upset and everything, but things are better if you stay here. I’m sorry to admit it, but I heard you and Frank talking before and I think that I REALLY don’t belong here. Don’t bother coming after me, I'll only make things worse. There is someone out there for you Gee; you just have to find them. I love you.

Way down,

I set the book down on my legs. What have I done? What did we do? When was Thorne leaving, exactly? Maybe I could stop her or make things right or something. I ran my fingers over the ink, smudging some of the words with the tears on the paper. I shouldn’t have written that fake note, the second she reads that, she'll do something stupid like, run away NOW, or kill herself. No. Stop. She wouldn’t do that, she wouldn’t. She loves Gerard and she wouldn’t do something that stupid. Oh fuck, I really screwed myself over this time.