Status: completed

Broken Storm


Rays POV*

"GO faster! C’mon! Go!" Bob tapped my in the back and pestered me to move forward. The used car lot stood before me, and I scanned it, looking for two cars that would blend in nicely with everything. We walked into the building, hoping we weren’t plastered up on the wall.
"Can I help you boys?" the fat man behind the counter said, wiping some grease on his wife beater.
"Uh yeah, I’m looking for a car."
"Me too"
"Of cores you boys are, now c’mon I'll show ya around." He sat up in the chair and struggled to get out of it. I pushed some of my hair aside and wiped some sweat off my face. Bob and I followed the guy around the lot until I found the one I was looking for. It was an older Ford, blue and slightly rusted. Matched in with the town and so I wanted it right away.
"Hey, can I take a look at this one?" I asked, just a little scared.
"You bet." The guy said, handing me the keys. Bob winked at me in the side mirror as I started the car up. It was running smoothly so far.
"Take it up the road for about a mile then come on back. I tell ya, that’s a beaut, yes sirie!"
I put the truck into reverse and pulled away from the curb, throwing my head back onto the seat. It took off in a flash and I felt so wild.
"Take it up the road for a mile, then bring it back" I whined, mimicking the guy.
"Hell no I won’t take it back, Hell no." I pulled over ten minutes away, laughing my head off. I reached into the backpack and pulled out the plates I wanted, and the screw driver. I pulled off the lame "dealer" plates and put on the other ones. They were from an old car we found with a For Sale sign on it, so I just nabbed them especially for this occasion. I plucked the ribbon off the antenna, and laughed, leaning up against the bed of the thing. A few minutes later, Bob arrived, smiling and laughing.
"You did good Ray" He said, applying his own plates.
"I was kinda nervous at first"
"That old guy probably doesn’t even give a shit; he doesn’t even get many customers out here anyway."
"You do realize that we might end up in even more trouble after doing this" I said, opening the door to the truck.
"Yeah." Bob replied, getting into the Kia. I started the engine and sped off toward the run down house. I actually liked that place, and even though I knew we couldn’t stay, I wished that somehow we could fix it up, ya know, and all of us could live their. We pulled into the bramble covered driveway and honked the horn.
"Meep, Meeeep" in an instant, Frank, Mikey, and Gerard came running out of the house.
"This was the surprise? You guys bought cars?" Mikey asked, in shock.
"Uh, Mike, we didn’t exactly buy them"
"Oh NO WAY! You stole them! Cool! -- Uh I mean. What were you thinking? Were gonna get into sooo much trouble!"
"Nuh-uhn, no one will know, we gotta get outta here in a week or two anyway" Bob replied.
"True." My eyes scanned the yard and the field. Where the hell was Thorne? I opened the door and walked in between Frank and Gerard
"Where you goin ma-"
"Sorry dude" I replied, walking out to the barn. I shoved my hands into my pockets, noticing how tight my pants were. I stood outside the barn doors for a second, listening to the soft cries from inside. They were faint and weak, so I couldn’t help but push the doors open. I looked inside to find Thorne laying face away from me, gasping for breath, still crying. I ran over to her, kind of panicked.
"Thorne?" I asked, sitting down next to her. No reply, just that heavy, struggled breathing.
"Thorne?" I asked, more panic in my voice this time. I crawled over to other side of the bails and pulled the blanket down off of her shoulders. Her skin was pale, so pale it made me sick. I panicked and flipped her over. Blood ran from the corners of her mouth and tears from her face. Her wrists were slit and a note was clenched in her hand. Her skin was hot from the sweat and I pulled the blanket off all the way. She had lost a ton of blood and I couldn’t do much but go into shock. Up by her face laid a knife. I had noticed the knife before, and I assumed it was hers. The stab marks in her stomach oozed a deep red, and it took me a second to register everything. I forced her hand open and pulled the bloody paper out, setting it aside. I scooped up her limp body, brushing the hair out of her face. She smiled as some more blood trickled from her mouth.
"Sh, don’t talk okay, just don’t. Were gonna get you help, were gonna-- we'll-- just-- don’t leave us, just don’t."
"Don’t" She said, struggling for her words
"---Tell Gee---" I didn’t hear the whole sentence that time.
"Don’t worry, were gonna get Gee, and get you to a hospital."
"Gee" She said, smiling and laughing.
"I know, Gee, you love Gee, and that’s why your not gonna leave us, that’s why right"
She reached up and gripped my shirt, blood running down the Ramones emblem.
"Good bye"
Her eyes fluttered shut and I shook her a little.
"Thorne? THORNE? Oh fuck, Thorne!" I got up, still holding her in my arms. She was limp but light and I held her tight against my body, feeling her gasp for air.
"Don’t let go Thorne, we love you here, just breath, your gonna be okay." I walked through the doors and looked up at the guys, inspecting the cars, and back down at Thorne, smiling while blood ran down her chin.
"Guys!" I yelled, walking a little faster. "
"Guys!" I yelled a little louder, a litte more stressed.
"We cant here you Ray" Yelled Mikey.
I readjusted Thorne in my arms, blood running down my arms and legs. Her head rested in the crook of my arm and I brushed the hair out of her face again.
"Guys!" I yelled again, my hands shaking a little.
"What IS it Ray?" Frank yelled, sounding a little annoyed.
"Guys something’s wrong with Thorne" I said, straining my voice.
In an instant, all of the guys came running to my side, all except Frank, who was still standing at the side of the Kia, mouth hanging open. Gerard ripped his jacket off and laid it in the dirt, tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Put her down! Ray put her down!" Mikey laid his jacked down next to Gerard’s, wiping tears off his cheeks. I set her down carefully, fixing her hair.
"What the hell happend? Tell me, oh god someone tell me" Gerard said, taking off his shirt and putting on her stomach wounds.
"Gerard I don’t know, I just walked in and found her that way." He looked up at me, tears dropping off the tip of his nose.
"Was their anything in there? Anything at all? Oh god, someone help me please!"
"I'll go look" Mikey said, wiping his glasses off with his shirt.
"Thank you Mikey, oh god, thank you"
Mikey took off running to the barn, feet kicking up dust. I looked back at Gerard who was overcome with disbelief and anger. He got up and turned around to face Frank, who had finally come over in complete shock. Gerard stared at him for a second, and then screamed at him.
"You did this you little fucker!"
"No! I swear! I didn’t hurt her! I didn’t! Honestly!"
"Shut up you fucker! Shut up!" He reached up and grabbed Frank's neck, gripping harder and harder.
"Shut the fuck up! If something happens to Thorne you will pay! I swear to you Frank! You- Will- PAY!" Gerard released his grip on Frank and kicked him in the knee.
"Guys!" Mikey came bounding back through the field. He kneeled down next to us and set down a couple things. Thorne's notebook, the knife and that blanket.
"Did you get that note?" I asked.
"What note?" Mikey asked. I got up and ran back to the barn, jumping onto the bales of hay. I grabbed it and ran back to them, hunched over Thorne, and I unfolded it, proceeding to read it out loud.

Dear Thorne,
Last night was amazing. Don’t pay any attention to Mikey, because he really is a little out of sorts right now. Thorne, I just wanted to tell you that I think we should avoid each other for a while. Really, the only reason for it is that what we have done together is pull everyone apart. I hope you can understand,


The rest was blank. I looked up from the letter, staring Gerard in the eye. It was his fault. I felt the anger build up in my chest, tears in my eyes. Gerard got up and looked at Frank who was starting to open his mouth.
"What the hell did I do!?!" Frank cried out.
"So it was you!" Gerard yelled, pushing him down.
"I didn’t know she was gonna take it this seriously!"
"Guys-" Mikey interrupted
"Why the hell did you do this Frank? Why! Now she's dead! I finally found someone who got me, and you killed her!"
"It wasn’t me!"
"Guys! Hey! Guys! GEE!" Mikey yelled.
I looked down at Mikey, who was smiling and trying to get Gerard’s attention. I crouched down and smiled.
"Gee! Hey! Frank! Guys look!"
I glanced down at Thorne whose eyes were opening. She attempted to prop herself up on her elbows, and I held her up in my arms.
"Hey Guys" Thorne choked out
Everything seemed to stop.
"Oh my god! Mikey thank you! Oh my god! Thorne, oh god, oh god, Thorne." Gerard laid down right next to Thorne and grabbed her hair, crying tears of joy.
"Oh god, baby, oh god don’t ever leave me oh god."
He looked up at me as I set Thorne into his arms. I turned to walk away as Gerard called my name.
"Hey Ray?"
"Thank you"
I walked back into the house and sat down on an old chair, thinking about what just happened. It was all Frank's fault. If it weren’t for me, Thorne would be dead. But she wasn't. And now Frank must pay.