Status: completed

Broken Storm


Gerard's POV*

I sat in the middle of the field, cradling Thorne's body in my arms. She had closed her eyes for a rest again, and I watched Mikey, Ray, and Frank carry bails of hay from the barn to the house. Bob was moving around a lot, getting things he hid around the cite and what not. I readjusted Throne in my arms, straitening my back out. She shifted a little and opened her eyes.
"Hey babe"
"You 'Kay?"
"Huh- you scared us for a second there"
"It wasn’t supposed to happen like this"
"It's okay, we'll pull everything together, we will I promise"
"I’m sorry"
"It's okay, don't sweat it. Just chill out babe, Kay? Were gonna handle Frank and everything later, just chill"
"Okay" She stretched her legs out and I set her down on the outstretched Jackets and lay beside her. I watched her chest rise and fall as she slept soundly. I heard footsteps behind me and so I just turned my head. It was Ray.
"How she doin?"
"That’s good"
"Did Bob figure out what he's gonna make Frank do to make up for what he did?"
"Uh, I dunno actually. He's been running around all day"
"So...ya your room is done. We can go in their when ever."
"Thanks. Hey do we have any water?"
"Uh wow. I Dunno. I’ve just been drinking from the stream and everything so... Damn that’s a good question. Oh, and food too. Were gonna need that."

"FOOD?" It was Mikey
"Shut up you idiot!" Ray and I said at once.
"Sorry. Man I could seriously go for some Capn' Crunch. Ya know, the sugary, crunchy kind that just makes the milk all--oh and some popsicles! YA! Oh man the melt and your mouth cherry ones! Oh man!"
"Mikey..." I couldn’t even find my words. Suddenly I had a weird craving for Capn' Crunch....
"Just.....Shut up"
"C’mon Mikey lets go get Bob"
I watched them walk towards the house, and I heard nothing except for Mikey
"How about a Subway Meatball Grinder?!?! Oh man that would hit the--"
"Mikey, just, just don’t man, just don’t."

I laughed. Thorne rolled over again and looked at me with the eyes I missed even when she was with me.
"What babe?"
"Where's Frank?"
"He's busy right now baby, but we can get him when we get things figured out."
I stared at her but she really knew that I just didn't want to get near him. Ray came back over and knelt down near Thorne.
"You doin alright?"
"Yeah, thanks. For everything"
"Don’t thank me."
I watched Ray's brown eyes break from the usual hard stare and go soft.
"I got a surprise for you kid" He said, pushing Thorne's Jet black hair behind her ear.
"I don’t want it"
"C'mon it’ll be great"
Ray smiled at me and I winked. Slowly I lifted Thorne off the ground and carefully adjusted her in my arms. Ray helped me up, picking up the jackets behind me. We made our way across the field, and I kicked the house door open.
"Hey! Thorne’s awake again! HI!" Mikey ran over to us, a big grin on his face. He looked like a smiley face on crack. All I could do for a second was stare at him, shaking my head. He started to laugh and I started walking.
"Oh! Your showing her the-" Ray slapped his hand over Mikey’s mouth, and it obviously hurt, because we all heard a muffled
Thorne started to laugh, but she ended up struggling for breath.
"Nice job Mikey" I said, looking at him.
"WHAT DID I DO!?!?!"
"I’m kidding calm down! Calm down!" We trudged down the hall to my room and Bob stood at the door, waiting for us.
"God you guys are slower than Turtles that just got freaking attacked by a car or something."
Ray looked at him; eyebrow cocked up at an angle "What?"
"Never mind."
I looked down at Thorne who was looking around, pinning the blood stained tee-shirt to her
"Ready kid?" Ray asked her.
Bob pulled the door open, and let me walk inside first.
"Oh my god! Guys, I don’t need this! I was just fine in the barn. Really."
"Holy crap, guys all I wanted was the bails of hay in here, I didn’t want you to freaking make it an actual room." I was in awe.
"Naw, it wasn’t much work" Mikey said, blushing and looking at his feet.
"Ya, cuz you weren’t doing much of it" Ray said, hitting him in the ribs. I set Thorne down on the hay bed and sat down on the edge. Ray came over and sat down next to me.
"What are we gonna do bout Frank?"
"I don’t have a clue"

"I do" Bob chimed in. We looked up at him, our eyebrows cocked.
"We need food, water, first aide, and clothes right?"
"You want Frank to steal stuff?" Mikey asked.
"No, I want him-" He reached behind him on the table "To buy it" He pulled out a huge bag of cash.
"Where the flip did you get that?" I asked, walking over and looking inside the bag.
"I had it for a while, hid it in a tree."
"It's like you knew we were gonna stay here or something"
"Weird huh?"
"Ya, so why are we having Frank buy all this?"
"That way, were most likely to get it, and if anyone gets noticed, it'll be him. And, if he rats us out, were probably gonna know, and get out by that night."
"Makes sense"
"Yep, and Thorne needs it too"
I turned around to face Thorne, who was staring at us. Her alchemy eyes soft with pain and confusion.
"Gerard, when can I take this shirt off my stomach?"
"Not until we get you some first aide stuff babe"

"Thorne what size are you?"
"IN what?"
"My clothes are in the barn"
"I know where they are" Ray said, getting up.
"K you get those, and we can get everyone clothes, and stuff. Should hold us over for a week or two."
Mikey interrupted
"Can we get Cap'n crunch?"
"Mikey, shut up" I looked at him and smiled. Bob stood strait.
"I’m gonna go get Frank" He said, a thrilled look on his face. Mikey came over and sat down next to me, lightly punching my arm.
"Hey, sorry I got mad at you before"
"Not a huge deal Mike, really"
"Oh god, Gee you almost lost her. You almost lost-" His eyes built up with tears and he collapsed on me, crying. I reached around him, embracing my brother for the first time in a while.
"Mikey, stop, just stop okay? I love you man, I love you" He sniffled.
"For what?"
"Everything that I did and didn’t do"
"Don’t Mikey. Don’t"
We sat their for a second, just talking about stuff, Mikey crying and everything, when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
It was Thorne
"Thanks for helping me out. I really need you. We need you"
"Man, i'm gonna go look for Ray, It's takin' him a while to get your stuff" I got up off the hay and walked across the house, exiting through the back door. I walked out to the barn, walking by the side window. I took a few more steps and then backed up. Staring into the window, I saw Ray on the hay bails, elbows on his knees, hands clasped under his chin. He was staring hard at the ground, as if he was thinking. Tears dripped down his cheeks, and he started shaking his head. Thorne’s clothes were in a pile next to him, and he was gripping her Smashing Pumpkins graphic tee. He got up and ripped his shirt off, calling out some swears in the process. He knelt on the ground, head touching the floor. Slowly he brought the shirt up to his face, and he crunched his eyes shut, more tears pouring down his face. I felt confused, lost and bad.
Ray liked Thorne.