Status: completed

Broken Storm


Ray's POV*

I sat on the edge of my bed and pulled some straw out of my hair. My throat was kind of dry and constricted, and my cheeks were cool from my tears. Flopping back down on my bed, I stared at the ceiling, broken up inside and very confused. Everything was just happening too fast. Just too fast. The mid day sun leaked in through the window, and I watched the dust and cobwebs dance in the rays of light. I closed my eyes, trying not to cry, trying not to think. All I could see was Thorne,
Her smile, her laugh, her jet black hair (that I could do so much with if we had some hair products).
And all I could think was how she almost died. It was a horrible thought, and I pushed it out of my mind quickly. I sat up, startled, and raced out of the room. Gerard walked by, stopping.
I stuck my hands in my pockets, staring down at the bloody Ramones emblem on my shirt
"Oh, I’m just gonna go...over here..."
"Cool. I’m gonna talk to Thorne, if that’s okay"

I walked down the hall and knocked on the door.
"Come in"
"Hey" I sat down at the foot of the bed, my legs tucked under me.
"What’s up?" She asked? Pushing some hair out of her face.
"Nothings up."
"Oh... You can come sit up here with me you know"
"Oh, umm okay" I crawled up to the head of the bed and sat shoulder to shoulder with Thorne.
"So... what did you do exactly to get into jail?" she asked, pulling straw out of the blanket.
"Nothing" I looked down at my hands, hoping she believed me.
"Ok, I believe you, and I’m the tooth fairy"
"Really? Well then, why the hell didn’t I get any money for my last tooth? Why not huh?"
She lightly hit me in the ribs.
"Tell me! I’m serious!"
"Fine." I looked down at my jeans, scratching some dry blood off.
"Okay, but don’t hate me or anything..."
"I wont, really."
My parents were really shitty, and never really got me, ya know? Well, my dad was a total ass, and one day I came home with my girl friend and he was all
'Oh nice Ray got you another slut! God you’re a disappointment! Why the hell did we have kids? Huh? You always fuck everything up' He then, showed my girlfriend the door, and turned around, beating me down, as usual. I went up to my room, and basically cried for a few hours. My mom came up and started telling me how screwed up I was, and she randomly pulled out a knife and backed me against a wall, telling me where she was going to hide my body and all that shit, so I punched her out, and my dad came in and thought she was dead, so I kinda.. Took the knife to him. I ran away, and, unfortunately he survived so he was able to tell the cops. So I was in their for attempted murder...."
Thorne stared at me in disbelief
"Lemme guess, you think I’m a total fuck"
"No, I don’t. Oh god Ray I’m sorry" She wrapped her arms around my waist, head resting on my chest.
I couldn’t help it. I broke down
"I hated them so much, but, you know, I thought maybe it was my fault they were so mean, and that I was doing something wrong and that’s why they beat me down ya know? Ya know? If I had another chance I would... I don’t know, oh god I don’t know" Tears busted from my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. Thorne softly cried along with me, still gripping on to me hard.
"Ray, oh my god. Don’t say that. It’s not your fault. You saved my life. You wouldn’t ever hurt anyone like that ever. Never again. Were all gonna get out and put the past behind us. Were gonna get outta here okay? Were gonna---" She hiccupped, tears falling down her face. I took her face in my hands and stared her in the eye.
"We will get out. I swear to you Thorne. We will get out"
She nodded.
"What for? What did I--"
I leaned in and brushed my lips against hers, my hand running over her tearstained face. I pulled away quickly, and pulled myself off the bed, and jogged back down the hall. I sat back down on my bed, just kind of processing what happened, my pants a little tighter than before.