Status: completed

Broken Storm


Thorne's POV*

My eyes fluttered open and I stared up into Frank’s eyes. Wait- what? Frank?!?! He grinned at me, pulling me up.
"Afternoon" I stared back at him, Groggy.
"Hmmm" I looked to my right, Gerard wide awake, writing furiously in his new Journal with a Dark Red pen. He smiled at me.
"Any more dreams babe?"
"Just the good kind"
"Good" He kissed the top of my head, getting up and walking out, still clutching the book. Frank turned my head, smiling.
“You have to eeeeatttt" He said, shoving a spoon full of Cap'n Crunch in my face. I swallowed it, laughing. I started talking to him, but I ended up screaming when I felt hands on my shoulders.
"Hello" I turned around and slapped him in the face. It was Bob.
"Hey what was that for?"
"You know damn well Bobert" I said, laughing and eating more dry Cap'n Crunch. Mikey popped up at the end of the bed, smiling.
"hahaha--- Bob got slapped" Bob smiled, cocking his head to the right, his blonde hair to the side.

"So what is this? What’s going on?"
"You’re eating" Frank said, grinning that stupid grin, and being all sarcastic.
"No, really we just want you to fuel up. You have an option. Do you want to go to the mall?"
"Hell yeah" Bob handed me a large chunk of change-- if you catch my drift.
"Good, Ill drop you off and pick you back up when--"
Gerard came in, interrupting.
"Not all by herself!"
"Well, its better if we go separately but I could--"
"I’m going"
"Gerard!" He said, almost whiny.
"What!" Gerard threw an outfit at me, obviously one he picked out.
"Get dressed babe" I smiled at him
"Its gonna be a long day."