Status: completed

Broken Storm


Thorne's POV*

"Alright, and remember, If something happens, let me know okay? That’s what the walkie talkies are for. And if someone’s on to you, get out here me?"
"Yes" Gerard and I said in unison. Bob pulled away, taking off down the road. I looked up at Gerard, and he wrapped his arm around my waist, walking me into the towering mall that lay ahead.
"Alright, so where we goin first?" I raised my eyebrow.
"Well I was going into Victoria's secret, and YOU were going.... elsewhere?"
"I was?"
"You are now"
"Fine" He looked at me, concerned and upset.
"You gonna be okay?"
"Good" I leaned in as he gave me a light kiss on the forehead, stroking my hair.
"Alright, I'll be around here when I’m done, do you want anything to eat babe?"
"Okay, pizza? Sounds good. Cheese? Even better" he walked off before I could respond. The Victoria's Secret sat on the second floor, and I nervously got into the elevator. I looked down at my feet, never making eye contact. A man in his 30's or so got in, asking.
"Going up?"
"Yeah" I could feel him looking at me, and only for a second, I felt paranoid. Only for a second. I walked out of the elevator, breathing in the salty mall air. The bright pink logo on the banner for the store was like a magnet, making me look up at it. I walked into the store, looking over at a lingerie set that caught my eye. It was two pieces, the top see through except for two spiders on the front, and the bottoms were basic lacy thongs, a garter and fish net. I looked at it and not only liked it, but I knew Gerard wouldn’t mind looking at it as well. I picked up the last pair in my size, holding it in my hands loosely. I exhaled slowly as I looked up to the counters. One was free. I made a mad dash to the counter, trying to avoid any other people. All of a sudden, a body stepped out in front of me, causing me to smash back, falling to the ground.
"Haven't I seen you somewhere miss?" The man asked, still towering above me.
"No, sorry"
"Really? Than how do you explain this?" I looked up at the photo. It was a Polaroid snapshot, and instantly I knew it was Gerard. I got up and kicked him in the knee.
"You know what"
"Whacha getting"
"I can’t show you"
"WHY?!?" He whined.
"Cos it’s a surprise."
"A dirty surprise?"
"Maybe" I said, giggling
“Like, porno dirty?"
"Don’t push it" I said, bumping into him, resting my head on his shoulder for a second, before walking to the counter. The woman looked at me, then back up at Gerard. He looked down at his feet quickly. I never really thought about the age difference. I cashed out, walking hand in hand with him. Come to think of it, I didn’t know exactly how old Gerard was, and I’m pretty sure he didn’t know how old I was. At least I don’t think he knows.


The AC was on in the mall, and I was cool on my face. Gerard raced me to the elevator, running off with my shopping bag. He looked gay running around with the pink Victoria's Secret bag, and I ran ahead of him, laughing. He caught up, pulling on the back of my shirt, stopping me. He pulled me aside, asking me what I wanted to eat.
"What kind?"
"What ever"
"Alright, Anchovies it is" I grabbed my bag back, hitting him in the ribs lightly.
"Fine, okay, okay, Cheese!" I smiled at him and walked toward the Fountain. A woman was sitting at the next table over, rummaging through her purse, talking to herself. She got up in a hurry, walking away; her heals clicking hard on the ground. The table was cleaner, so I got up and sat down over at the other one. I stared at the ugly design on the table, diamonds and squares, circles around them. Ugly. Suddenly the pattern was broken up with another color. I reached out, grabbing an ATM card. I flipped it around in my hand, looking at the back. I knew it was the woman’s, and Frank’s voice echoed in the back of my head.
Start fresh, live another life, our last chance at being good
I knew I should have gotten up and raced after her, handing her the card saying something like
"Here, you dropped this back there, thought you might like it back"
But i didn’t. I read the small scratchy, handwriting on the back. It was the code. Quickly, I slipped it into my pocket, not knowing why, but I did. Gerard came over, nearly dropping the pizza and sodas onto the ground, but he didn’t. I looked up at him through my bangs, laughing.
"What?" He asked, laughing.
"Nothing, just, for once, everything seems normal. Almost” He smiled up at me, taking a big bite out of the cheesy pizza. I finished off my piece just before Gerard, and he stared at me in amazement.
"How the hell did you do that?"
"Do what?"
"That! I started like, five minutes before you, and you finished before me!"
"I’m just good like that"
"Mmm. Obviously. Can I see what you bought now?"
"Not until later"
"Fine" I laughed, finishing up my soda, and getting up to throw the trash away. A woman bumped into me, and I turned around as she did.
"Oh I’m sorry sweetie, I really am"
"Not its okay, I’m--" My mouth hung open in shock, but I closed it to keep from looking suspicious.
"You’re what?"
"I’m good"
"Okay" She sat down where I had been sitting before I found the card, and she kept on looking back at me. I walked back to my seat, pushing some of my hair in front of my face. I moved the Victoria's Secret bag onto the table, blocking the ladies view. I leaned in, pulling Gerard closer.
"We have to go"
"Why? Someone find us?"
"Not just anyone, Gee"
"My mom"
"Oh God lets get out" He got up and grabbed the bag for me, and I lead the way out, my mom watching us the whole time. For a second I thought we were screwed. But only for a second. I ran out the tall doors and looked back at Gerard, who was walking normal pace, trying to peek into the bag. I pulled it back, hip checking him.
"What the heck happened? Does she know it was you?"
"I have no fucking clue"
"Let’s call Bob in"
I lifted the walkie talkie up to my lips, pushed the button in and exhaled.
"What? And will you stop calling me that!"
"No, fuck off"
"I did an hour ago" I could hear him smile.
"Right, hey can you come get us? A-sap? Had a run in with my mom"
"Oh hell yeah, Ill be right over, just...hang loose okay?"
"Yeah" I put the talkie down, looking up at Gerard, who, again, was trying to look into the bag.
"Will you stop?"
"Alright, well I have to take care of something, so... just... chill I'll be right back." I walked over to the ATM building, sliding the card in and stepping inside. The ATM blinked red and green as I scanned the card, turning it over to look at the code.
"Holy Shit" I said out loud to no one. There was enough money in this lady’s bank to freaking buy a house...
That’s it! I was going to buy a house.
I turned around and screamed. Gerard and Bob were pressed up against the Glass, making faces at me. I pulled the door open, the card burnining a hole in my pocket.
"What were you doing?" Bob asked, grinning.
"I was just, looking to see if my mom’s old number worked."
"Okay, Okay" I felt Gerard trying to look into the bag.
"Gerard" I said, not even looking at him.
"Dammit" We went home, and All the while I thought about the card.
I was going to buy a house.