Status: completed

Broken Storm


Mikey's POV*

I sat behind the dying bush, staring across the street. Frank sat at my side, covering his mouth cuz he was giggling. I turned to look at him, silently mouthing
He did. I waited for what seemed like hours, and found myself drawing unicorns in the dirt. Frank hit me in the side, pointing across the street. The mail man drove by, dropping off the paper. All I had to do now was wait for him to leave, run across, grab the paper and run back down the road for about a half mile and read it. Not so hard.
As the car sped off down the road, I stared hard at the paper box. No one was home, so I looked down for the mail man, but he was long gone. I looked over at Frank, who was drawing helicopters that were attacking my unicorn. Apparently, no one likes unicorns any more. I made a mad dash for the paper box, grabbed the paper and ran back, panting. Frank got up and we jogged back to the house.
"Why were you even there, Frank?"
"Supervision" I hit him in the stomach. Ray was inside, writing furiously in his new journal/book.
The door winged open behind me; it was Thorne, Bob, and Gerard. They were laughing and I felt a little left out. Thorne walked down the hall, putting her shopping bags into the room, and came back, grabbing the paper off the table, sifting through and grabbing the house listings. Why did she want those? She picked a pen up off the counter and sat down, looking through it, circling some stuff. I grabbed the bag of Check Mix (Yum!) and held it tight against my chest. Bob walked over, grabbing it hard.
"I want some!"
"NO! I’m eating it!"
"Not right now!" We had a small tug of war until I lost my grip, sending Bob into Throne. Who looked reeealll pissed. Ha-ha.
"Fuck off Bobert"
"I told you, I did that an hour or two ago." She grabbed the Chex mix, taking a hand full, Gerard and Ray eating some as well.
"Hey!" I called.
"Don’t eat all the squares! Those are my favorite! C'mon Guys!" I finished off the last of my semi warm Root Beer, Holding the bottle tight in my hands. Ding! Idea!
"Who wants to play truth or dare?"
"ME!" everyone said at once, even Ray. We moved the kitchen around strategically, so we could all sit in a circle. I spun the bottle fast, and it landed on Thorne.
"Thorne, Truth or Dare"
"Dare" I was surprised.
"Okay, I dare you to.... umm.... tell us... no... Umm.... kiss.... Ray, I guess" Ray looked up from the ground, eyebrows raised in surprise. Gerard shot a look at me, the kind of "how dare you'" look. Thorne took a deep breath and leaned in, kissing Ray. He pulled away fast, very red in the face. Thorne looked at me.
"Yep" She spun the bottle fast, and it landed on Bob.
"Truth or Dare Bobert?"
"Chicken" Gerard intercepted.
"Okay... How did you end up in jail?"
"I killed some guy"
They all stared at him in shock.
"What? He was a flamo anyway, the annoying kind that has an affair with you girlfriend, even when he’s gay"
"Okay..." Bob grinned, spinning the Bottle. It landed on Gerard.
"Truth or dare Gerard ol' chap?"
"Chicken" Thorne said, knocking against him.
"Are you a virgin?"
"Bad boy" Frank said, grinning. Gerard spun the bottle hard, his hand lightly placed on Thorne's. The bottle landed on me.
"Mikey, Mikey, Mikey"
I gulped.

"Dare?" I asked, a little afraid.
"Okay... ummmm read... something... you wrote in your Diary."
"It’s a journal"
"What ever"
I get up and Grab the journal off the counter, flipping through the pages, they were a light pink tint, and had happy little unicorns in the corners of each page. I stopped on a random page and opened my mouth. Here goes.

Window panes come crashing down
Amidst the tears and pain
Vanishing hopes are gone and flew away
Up above through twilight
Shadows cast across the floor
Reflections of the past
Trembling thoughts of one
Dwelling deep within the soul
A mystical sense of reality
Captured by the craze
All in bewilderment
Of the shock in the wave
Creatures of the dimness
Chattering amongst the green
Everything slows in stillness
What is this we see?

They stared at me like I was on drugs or something.
"What?" Thorne got up, stunned.
"I have to... get... ready for bed... so.... I'll cya in there Gerard."
"I wouldn’t miss it"
Bob looked at Gerard.
"You’re really not a virgin?"
Bob stared at him for a second, and then started laughing. He rolled around, clutching his ribs and everything.
"What? Why is that so funny?"
"I just don’t know anyone who would wanna... do... anything with you... I guess." Gerard got up, somewhat offended.
"FYI she's in the next room." He said, walking down the hall.

Oye, sometimes I wonder.