Status: completed

Broken Storm


Thorne's POV*

The sky was still dark when I got up. Gerard was laying next to me, not on me any more, but still. I sat up quietly, putting on a HIM tee shirt and a black skirt with chains. I looked around on the floor and grabbed the garter, sliding it up my leg. You could see, but that was my point. I pulled out a piece of paper, writing a quick note down for Gerard.

Hey sexy~

Just wanted to let you know I might be out for a bit. Thanks again for, well you know what you did. Do me a huge favor and pick up the room for me. Thank you much! I might have a surprise for you, most likely I will. (No, not like a last night surprise) But it’s still good. Ray will be coming with me, just to let you know.
Much love

I folded it up and slipped it in-between his hand and the sheet. I crept over to my bag, getting the listings out. Grabbing my shoes, I ran down the hall, quickly and quietly. I pushed Ray’s door open, creeping inside. His chest rose and fell slowly; I and I leaned in, whispering in his ear.

"Ray" He jumped a little, shocked.
"Oh g-" I slapped a hand over his mouth, pressing a finger up to mine. I removed my hand, letting him speak.
"What are you DOING!?!?" he asked, covering most of his skin.
"I wanted you to help me"
"With what?"
"I need a ride"
"Just meet me outside"
"Fine" I got up, walking back outside the room, turning around to shut the door. Ray looked at me, his eyes soft again. I crept into the kitchen, jumping in surprise to see Mikey, eating some Chex mix.
"Thorne?" he asked, his eyes squinting up.
"Mikey?" i asked, hoping he was half asleep.
"Is this a dream?"
"Can you tell me what happens next?"
"You go back to bed, dreaming of unicorns"
"Cool" he said, going back up the stairs. Sleep walk much? I ate some Chex mix, clipping the bag shut. I grabbed two Monsters off the counter, and they were cold from the night’s temperature. Slowly I walked outside, ATM card in my pocket. I leaned up against the truck, slipping my heels on. Ray came out, his new pants tight to his legs. He tucked in his Guitar shirt, showing off his thin figure. His hands were shoved in his pockets, thumbs sticking out. He lifted his head, staring at me.
"Ready?" I asked, handing him a Monster.
"Yeah" He got into the truck, helping me up. I sat down on the warm seat, my garter itching my leg a little. Ray shut the door, starting up the car. He flung it into reverse, taking off like a bullet. I handed him the cut out, and he looked up at me, shocked.
"Why would we go here?"
"Just drive" He did. The streets turned into a main route, people all around us. I flipped the radio on; humming along with the 'Piano Man' Ray looked at me, hitting my elbow.

'Come on Thorne, sing."
"No, I suck."
"Come on, are you chicken"
"No, I'm just...not good."
"No, You and Gee were singing in your room the other day, you were so good."
"Yes sir"
"Will you stop?! You’re running us off the road"
"Shit!" he yelled, swerving back in line. The road split off, and we took the long, dusty one. The Radio changed songs, and I heard Oasis, Wonder Wall. I opened my mouth, singing. Ray looked up, smiling.
I kept on singing, Ray joining in. He sucked, but i didn’t care. We were having fun. The house appeared in the distance, and our Car slowed down. The sign on the front lawn said {}pen House. We opened the doors, jumping down. A short, fat man with glasses stood at the door to greet us.
"Hullo, Hullo, how can I help you?" we stared at him blankly. The man showed us the house, it was nice, and a lot of the furniture came with it. Like the refrigerator and stuff. Ray was satisfied, as was I, and when the man asked,
"Do you want to make an offer?" We were quick to respond
"Yes" He handed us the paperwork, and we filled it out. I asked him.
"Can we pay all the cash up front?"
"That’s never happened before, Mrs...Toro is it?" I kicked Ray in the shin under the table.
"Oh, well I think that would work."
"Good" He got up and shook my hand.
"I will call the number when we get word on the-" his phone rang. It was the owners.
"Okay-yes- As soon as- we got a- okay i will let them know" He hung up.
"That was them infact. Ummmm Mr. and Mrs. Toro, they want to sell A-Sap, therefore... You are the new owners!" I jumped up, hugging Ray hard.
"YAY!" I squealed, making the salesman wince from the noise.
"Get your money by next Thursday hmm? I'll be here"
"Deal" Ray picked me up and spun me around, pressing his lips to mine. We held it for a few seconds, and then pulled away, both kind of shocked.
"Sorry" he said, setting me down.
"It’s okay. Were both a little...excited" We got back into the truck, happy all the way home. I sat in my seat, bouncing around full of energy.
Oh god, I can’t wait to tell Gerard.