Status: completed

Broken Storm


Mikey's POV*

I woke up when the sun was just rising. It was about 6 or 7 i think, and I rolled onto my back, still in my clothes except for my shoes. The ceiling was smooth and white, and the walls were some weird off white color. So boring. I sat up and looked at my closets. Yes, plural. One was enough if you ask me. I had more than enough room. I opened the empty closet and pulled the light on. It was huge! Or at least big enough to fit....a bed....
DING! Idea!
I walked over to my bed and started pushing it towards the closet, the nose facing me, making things relatively easy. I pushed the bed into the closet with no problems. It made a satisfying clink against the wall, and I slammed the closet door shut, sitting on my bed, laughing.
"5, 4, 3, 2, 1-" My bedroom door opened. Gerard.
"Mikey? I heard a noise. Are you okay? Mikey? Where the fuck are you?!?"
"I’m not here" He pulled the door open; his arms crossed a bland look on his face.
"Hello" I said, grinning.
“Like what you've done with the place." He said, sitting down next to me.
"Thanks!" I said, grinning.
"SO this is where your beds going?
"You bet"
"What are you doing with the whole room?" He asked, curious.
"I’m gonna make it awesome."
"You bet"
"So.... Were gonna go--" Gerard was interrupted by screams down the hall. We got up and ran to see what it was.
It was Ray.