Status: completed

Broken Storm


Ray's POV*

I sit on my bed, writing in my journal. It was just random little things. Okay, maybe not. I was just kind of writing some random poem inspired by Thorne. It wasn't finished when I nodded to sleep, the book slipping out of my hands. It must have been asleep for an hour when someone flipped my mattress, causing me to fall to the ground. It was Gerard. He was towering above me, his body slightly wet from getting out of the shower. He was flipping through my book, looking up at me, then looking through it some more. When he was satisfied, he slammed it shut, throwing it down at me.
"What’s that all about?" I asked, sitting up. He kicked me back down.
"You know"
"No, I don’t."
"You know damn well what you did." He kicked the book across the room, pulling a paper out of his pocket.
"I didn’t finish that" I said in horror.
"I know. But your going to finish it for me" he said, shoving it in my face.
"And your going to finish it right" I grabbed it with shaky hands, looking it over. I opened my mouth, reading what I had so far.

Hold you tight against my skin
Wipe away your silent tears he caused.
Broken but not yet shattered.
Take away your silent fears.
Porcelain skin like untravled roads
Taken by few.
Inner shadow like a goddess
One to whom we should all bow down.
There was nothing else. I had to finish it. The way I wanted.
His overbearing love is just too much.
You know I am so much better.
I fight away your dark
Save all of your love.
He sits alone in the corner
Lost in a world so bright.
Your soul a flawless dream
Like the virginity he took
Time and Time again
Forgive me for helping you
It's my curse I call

I look up at Gerard; his eyes are full of anger.
"I said finish it the right way"
"That was the right way. The way I wanted" He kneels down to my level, grabbing my neck hard. I struggle for breath as I scream, Thorne runs in. She is somewhat shocked at what Gerard is doing as I try to fight him off.
"Gerard stop!"
"Not’s....over!" He lets go as Throne pulls him off.
"Let him go"
"No" He says, pushing her hard against the wall, making her hit her head, falling to the ground bloody and unconscious. I scream out again as Gerard returns to my throat.
He reaches into his pocket and pull out a knife, which he shows to me.
"Whacha gonna do with that? Carve your name into my stomach?"
"No. I’m just gonna kill you" He says, slitting my throat and stabbing my chest over and over as I watch Thorne open her eyes. I start to close mine as Gerard stabs me one last time. And I scream.

"Ray! RAY!" I open my eyes to see Thorne right next to me again.
"Are you okay? I heard screaming and...." I sat up. We weren’t alone. Everyone was their, looking at me like I was prophet or something. I reach down on the floor and open my book. The first half of the poem was still there.
"I’m fine. It was just a dream." I looked at the sheets which were a mess, and I quickly arranged them, guilty thought of masturbation in my mind.
"I’m fine" I repeated, placing my book on my lap. Thorne rests a hand on my shoulder, her pajama strap sliding off her shoulder. She whispered to me.
"Were gonna talk about this later. Got it?" I nodded. Thorne left, Gerard slapping her butt on her way out. Mikey, Bob and Frank followed. Gerard came over, sitting down next to me.
"You okay?"
"I’m fine"
"What Happened?"
"You killed me"
"My bad. Sorry dude, i didn’t think that would happen...sorry. Fer real too."
"Its okay." i lied, putting my shirt on.
But it wasn’t.