Status: completed

Broken Storm


Thorne’s POV*

"Bang! Bang!" some idiot walking by hit the bars with his cup or whatever.
"What the hell?" I asked no one in particular.
"Mmm." I looked to my left and saw Gerard roll over in his bunk. His hair fell into his face, and I stared intently for a few minutes, until he opened his eyes.
"What was that?" he mumbled, brushing the hair out of his face.
"Some idiot" I replied all too quickly. I sat up carefully and reached my shirt at the foot of my bed, pulling it over my head quickly. A gruff man stormed up to the bars.
"Alright you guys, get yourself up and into the showers."
I flopped back down, placing the pillow over my head. So far, my stay was less than enjoyable.
"Gerard." I asked. Really all he heard was something like
"What?" he asked.
"Where are the showers, and are they cleaner than the cafe?"
"Your best off not knowing anything." he honestly responded.
I sat up and groaned as I jumped off the bunk and onto the cold linoleum floors, which caused me to yelp. Gerard walked over, laughing as he picked his foot up, pointing to his socks.
"I think these were kinda made so that doesn’t happen" he half chuckled, half spoke.
"Ha. Ha." I grumbled, kicking the back of his legs lightly. Down the hall we trudged in silence, considering the guards were all over us.
Turns out the showers were grungy and I almost didn’t want to get in, as I felt even dirtier than when I walked in. Turning off the water I turned around to get my towel. Steam shifted around me as I reached up for it. Wrapping it around me gingerly I stepped out of the shower and tripped.
"Hey watch it!" yelled some random passer by. I looked up just as Gerard emerged from his shower stall. His hair had tiny beads of water on it and his towel hung loose around his hips. My stomach did a few dips and drops before he finally came over and said.
"Watch your wardrobe"
I looked down.
"What?--oh shit"
My towel had fallen down. Oops.
I blushed a deep red and pulled it up. I looked back up and just stared partially at Gerard’s smirk, and partially at his eyes, wandering up and down my figure. I reached over and grabbed my clothes. Back down the hall we trudged, water dripping down our faces like sweat. Back into the drab cell I sat down on the bottom bunk and started to pull my pants up. Gerard came over and sat down next to me on the cool sheets.
"Sorry I looked, but at least no one really noticed but me...”
"It's ok" I forced out, turning a "nice" shade of pink.
I forced myself to look up into Gerard’s eyes. They pierced through mine like switchblades. His hand slipped out from in-between his legs and up to my face. His thumb grazed my cheekbone as we just sat, staring. I reached up gingerly and laid my hand over his. For that brief moment things felt so right, just like what I wanted. And then it all fell into place.