Status: completed

Broken Storm


Thorne's POV*

Sliding into the truck, I had my guitar on my lap and amp in between my legs. Mikey jumped into the passenger’s seat, Bass guitar across his, and amp likewise. Gerard climbed in, Looking kind of left out. I reached into my purse and pulled the mic out.
"What?" I handed him the mic, causing him to look up at me.
"What's this for?"
"You have a nice voice. You could really go places with it. Try singing more often." I curled his fingers around the mic.
"Well you do too, and I’m not joking. Right, Mikey?"
"Oh sure. Yeah" Gerard looked at him, his eyes with that "thrilled" look again. We drove along the road, and I just looked out of the window. We stopped at a light, and I looked out at the large group of men beating down on this boy, maybe my age. The group shifted, and I took a good look at the boy. He seemed so familiar. It was Trevor. No doubt about it. I climbed over Mikey, Gerard asking what was going on, but I just pushed the door open, Gerard pulling over to the side of the road. I jumped down, clutching my purse. I made my way over, pushing through the crowed. They stopped kicking Trevor when I did, and I pulled out my switch blade.
"Leave him alone." I said, gripping the blade hard.
"Why should we?" One of them asked, grabbing my purse. I flipped the blade out, pushing it up against his neck, gently indenting his skin.
"This is why" I said, pushing down a little harder.
"You wouldn't"
"I would" I said, pushing hard enough to draw a little blood. The guy gasped for breath, and stepped backwards, opening his mouth to say something.
"Okay fine, we'll leave the kid alone. Just... don't hurt us okay? Please?" I watched as they ran back to the getaway car, wheels spinning and smoking. I turned back around and knelt down my Trevor, his long black hair in his face. I pushed it aside as blood ran from his nose.
"What?" He asked, getting up and fixing his jean shorts. I pushed my bangs back off my face and grabbed his shoulder before he could walk away.
"You know me, Trevor."
"I don’t know what the hell your talking about" I thought about what I could say to convince him that we knew each other. The band.
"We're teenage birth-control; remember?" He turned around on his heel, his eyes full of question and disbelief. He opened his mouth and whispered.
" Thorne?"
"The one and only" He came over and embraced me, tears falling on my shoulder.
"I thought you were in jail"
“I was. I broke out with my boy----ish friend."
"Oh thank god. You’re coming home right?" I stepped back, inhaling sharply.
"I can't come home. I never can. I'm sorry." He stared back at me when I heard footsteps behind me.
"Thorne what’s going on?" It was Ray asking. I turned to face them, all of them.
"Nothing, I just saved my friends ass again." He came up behind me, resting his head on my shoulder like old times. Gerard came over and wrapped his arm around my waist.
"He can come home with us. I think the office has a spare bed." He looked at Trevor, his eyes beaming.
"That would be nice" He said.
"Can we trust him?" Ray asked, leaning up against the truck.
"I think so" I said, leaning in to Gerard.
They all got back into their cars, and Gerard offered;
"Well, Mikey, you can drive, Thorne, you can sit on my lap, Trevor...I guess you can sit next to us."
"Fine" We filed into the truck, guitars leaning up on Trevor. Gerard re wrapped his arms around my waist, fingers stuck into the side of my pants and thong straps.
"So Trevor, you knew Thorne from where again?"
"Uhhh I knew her from, ah, well we were friends when we were little, then we started a band called we’re teenage birth-controll. We tried dating once, but it didn’t work out too well with peer pressure and everything."
"I see." Gerard said, holding me tighter against his body, sending me a message. We pulled up to the house, stopping by the front door. Mikey put the car into park, and Trevor slid out of the car holding the guitars. I grabbed the amps, Gerard helping me down. Mikey jumped out of the other side, grabbing his bass from Trevor. Frank, Ray and Bob came in a second later with their guitars and drum sticks. Bob caught up with me saying.
"Aww man, I feel left out. My drum set won’t be here for another week." I smiled up at him as we went in, setting all the guitars down in the living room. I was so excited Trevor was going to be staying us for a while, so I grabbed his shoulders, spinning him around. He smiled at me, and I looked at him saying.
"I'll show you around." I brought him through the house, giving brief descriptions of the rooms, and went upstairs to myself and Gerard’s room. He wasn't in so I sat down on the bed, Trevor sitting down a little close.
"How did you afford this?"
"I just did okay?"
"Okay, sorry"
"Fine" He moved closer still. I looked at him kind of uncomfortable.
"What?" he asked, cocking his eyebrow.
"Nothing." His hand ran over the sheets and onto mine. I moved my hand quickly, putting it in-between my legs. He lifted my head with his fingers, looking into my eyes.
"What’s wrong?"
"I have a boy friend is what’s wrong! Trevor we can't do this! We can't!"
"Sure we can."
"How?" He leaned in kissing me tenderly, then pulling back.
"Like this." I pulled back, slapping him hard across the face. He looked up at me and smiled, just smiled.
"Why are you smiling?" I asked, becoming enraged.
"Because your slap has its old sting."
"What happened to you?"
"I ran away, basically I was disowned... I missed you. I thought about you everyday you do know that right?" I moved my body backwards, Trevor just following me, coming closer still. I pushed myself up against the wall.
"I love you"
"But I don’t love you! I love Gerard."
"Really. You’re not married, so it wouldn’t be like...cheating essentially."
"Yes it is. I don’t want anything to do with you. At least not like that."
"You know you do" He reached in, pushing some hair behind my ear.
"And I will have you" He got up and turned at the door.
"I'll be in my room. Alone. Just incase you want to see me about anything." I pressed my lips together.
"Whatever." He winked at me and left, Gerard coming in moments later. He shut and locked the door behind him, coming over to the bed and kissing my neck. I pulled his shirt off his head as he undid his belt.
I bet you can guess what happened next.
We made it.