Status: completed

Broken Storm


Trevor's POV*

I went down the stairs, brushing shoulders with Gerard who was going up to see Thorne, I would guess. I waited to hear him slam the door shut, and I climbed back up the stairs, pressing my ear against the door. I could hear her moan, and I knew they were having sex. I could feel myself wanting her more and more. I pulled back from the door, turning around to face Ray, who was towering above me.
"What are you looking at?" I asked as he grabbed me, pulling me down to my room, slamming the door shut.
"What were you doing?"
"Listening to them"
"Leave them alone!"
"Because they should be able to-" I watched his face grow red in anger- "Have sex in there own room without being bothered!"
"You like her too! I can see it on your face!"
"That shouldn’t be any of your business."
"I’m going to get her. For me. For you. Whatever. I think I'll drug her..... Or something." I smiled up at Ray who was staring at me in disbelief.
"Why would you do that?!?!"
"You know why. Thorne used to be mine. All she could think about. We tried dating once, but we got so much crap we were essentially a behind the scenes only romance."
"You make me sick."
"Think about what I said" I yelled as he walked out, slamming the door behind him. I looked up at the clock on my wall that read about 8:30 or so. I got up and walked out into the kitchen, opening the cabinets. Not much. I pulled the Cap'n Crunch out of the cabinet, setting it down on the table next to the bowls. I poured it into the first one, then opened the fridge and grabbed the milk. I let it sit on the counter for a second as I reached into my pocket. I pulled out a small red pill about the size of an Advil. I held it up to my face and then dropped it into the Cap'n Crunch, watching it dissolve in the milk. I set it on the island, sitting down to have my own serving, other bowl to my side. About a half hour later, Thorne and Gerard came downstairs, laughing and clinging to each other like sick puppies. Gerard stared at me with angry possessed eyes, and Thorne made no contact at all.
"I made you some Cap'n Crunch Thorne" She looked up at me, forcing a slight smile. She sat down next to me and Gerard next to her, his arm still around her waist. I watched intently as she shoveled a spoonful of it into her mouth. She ate and ate, and smiled and smiled. Gerard stared at me, eyes full of suspicion. Mikey came downstairs, grinning and everything standing in front of him and saying.
"Bob fell asleep and we just doodled on his face. Were gonna write some stuff on his chest. Care to join us?"
"You bet!" he said, kissing Thorne's cheek and saying:
"After that I'll be in bed. Okay?"
"I wouldn’t miss it"
"Good" He got up and followed Mikey to the upstairs bed room, leaving Thorne in my care. She finished her Cap'n Crunch off in a few more bites, taking long sips of the milk.
"Hey Thorne? I’m sorry about before. I guess I just need to move on. I’m sorry." She looked up at me, groggy from the sudden affect of the meds.
"It's okay" She yawned. I took the bowl from her and put in the washing machine. She smiled at me as her eyes began to glaze over from the drug. I walked over to hold her wedding style in my arms.
"Careful Thorne! I wouldn't want you to get hurt."
"Get hurt?" She asked confused.
"Yeah." I brought her into my room, closing the door behind me. I pushed the little lock button and set her on the bed. She propped herself up on her elbows, watching me take my pants off. I reached into my bag, pulling some rope out just incase she struggled. I set it on the night stand.
"What are looking at hun?" i asked, reaching for her shirt.
"Mmm?" I pulled it off, throwing it to the floor.
Her breasts made a small rise and fall as she inhaled and exhaled.
"What are you doing?" She asked as I kissed her softly.
"Proving that you’re right for me." I said, undoing her pants. She pushed me back, undoing them herself. I slid on top of her as she whispered my name. Without warning I thrust myself into her, making my presence known. I expected her to pull away after that, but she just rolled her hips faster and harder. Her nails dug into my back as I applied more pressure on her. She quietly moaned into my mouth when I began to kiss her again, and by the time we were done, she was beginning to fall asleep. I set her next to me, letting her sleep. I could only hope she would awake in love with me, in love with me and not that man-slut Gerard. The more I thought about his ass in Thorne’s, the more I wished I hadn't messed with her.