Status: completed

Broken Storm


Frank's POV*

I got into the car as Bob shoved Trevor into the back seat.
"Where are we going?" he asked, trying to get his blindfold off.
"Far away from here." Bob said, jumping to get in the seat next to me.
"Let’s go"
"Where?" I asked, turning the key in the ignition.
"Far away. The middle of nowhere."
"Fine" we started up the road and drove for hours. I was switching seats with Bob every so often because our legs kept on cramping up. Finally we found a spot. I popped the door open and pulled Trevor out.
"Your not gonna tell anyone about us right kid?"
"I wouldn’t tell for Thorne’s sake" I kicked him in the knees, causing him to fall.
"Why? Why did you do something like that? WHY?!?!" Bob asked, setting a foot on his chest.
"Because--I--- Love---her." Bob pulled his foot off.
"Love her my ass." He spit on Trevor and got back into the car.
"Don’t take the blind fold off until you can't hear the car anymore."
"Fine." I untied his hands, throwing the rope over the side of the cliff. I kicked him again and got into the car, letting Bob start it up. We drove back down the dusty roads, cracked from the hot summer, but cool from the recent change in temperature. Bob pulled into a gas station, filled the tank, paid, grabbed us some Monsters, and then came back to the car. He handed me the large can, pulling the top off his.
"Let's go home. I'm glad that jerk is gone. For Thorne’s sake." He said, stuttering a little.
"Oh yeah, defiantly for Thorne’s sake."
"Yeah." He started tapping on the wheel of the car. I looked up at him, his face red from sudden embarrassment.
"Do you like her?" Bob looked out the window again, tapping even harder on the wheel.
"You can tell me man, its not like I’m gonna tell anyone."
"Maybe. A little. Not much at all, really. She's the only girl around ya know? She's funny and everything. And I SWEAR if I had the chance I would kill that kid for every time he touched her. Every time!" I looked up at him. Face angry and red with a few stray tears running down his face.
"Want me to drive?" I said, rubbing his shoulder.
"Yeah." He squeaked, wiping his tears and nose. I drove the last few miles home, sipping my Monster and talking to Bob. After thinking about it, he was right. I should have kicked that kid until he died. Of coarse, that would be murder and it would make me wanted more so than before, but he deserved it. How can you just go and rape your best friend like that? Parking the car, I walked silently into the house with Bob at my side. By now he had stopped crying and looked normal. We went up the stairs and into Gerard’s room. He was in there with Thorne who was protesting that she was better. She kept trying to get up, and he just kept pushing her down.
"Hey, leave the lady alone!" I yelled jokingly. Mikey came running up the stairs, pushing through us
"Watch out! I’m coming!" He was holding a sandwich which he handed to Thorne. She took it happily and then looked up at him, her eyebrow cocked.
"Why is there a bite taken out of it?" Mikey blushed while grinning.
"I got hungry on my way up" She sat up and punched him in the stomach lightly. I walked over and sat on the end of the end of the bed for a moment, and then I got up to look for Ray. He was in his bedroom, laying on his back face toward the ceiling, tears still streaming down his face. I knelt down by his face, and poked him in the side. He didn't look at me.
“I just wanted to ask you what was up"
"Shut the door" I got up and did as I was told, and I pushed the lock button just incase. Returning to the bed, He sat up, exhaling long and hard.
"I knew it was going to happen."
"What are you talking about what are-" He cut me off.
"Trevor told me he was going to happen. He said he was doing it for me. For us. I told him to fuck off ya know? I didn’t think it was really going to happen. I should have known better. I should have known something was up when he made her dinner...I should have done something." He wiped his eyes again. I didn't know what to say.
"Ray, you couldn’t have done anything. You could have...wait what? For you? I don’t get it. Am I missing something?" He flipped onto his stomach and propped himself up on his elbows.
"I like her, man. I thought that... He was gonna.... I didn’t want it to happen that way. I turned him down. I should have come to stop it! I should have done something. I should have....Oh god this is all my fault." he collapsed into his pillow, sobs muffled from the feathers. I climbed over him and sat against the wall.
"It's not your fault Ray. Its not. Stop crying! Thorne hates seeing you like this. C'mon man. C’mon." He sat up, wiping the last of his tears away.
"I’m going to talk to Thorne." I watched him walk out as I exhaled sharply.
He did it for us...for me....I should have done something.
Then I started to wonder. If Ray showed up, would he have done it?