Status: completed

Broken Storm


lol sry guys ive been mad sixx with a bug so I hope this Update(s) make up for it *sips chicken soup* Uky.

Gerard’s POV*

"Gerard!" Thorne squeals as I spray her with the hose. I don’t blame her, its fucking cold outside; my guess would be like.....43-50 degrees?
"Mikey!" I yell, fingers still holding the hose down.
"WHAT?!?!" He yells from the house.
"How cold is it?"
"It is..." Slight pause as he reads the temperature "46 Degrees FFFFFF" he puts the emphasis on F.
"Sure." I turn the hose off as Thorne storms over, grabbing it from me. I laugh, pointing at her soaked Ramones Tee. I suddenly stop, looking at her in horror as she turns the hose on.
"Stop! Oh shit! Thorne! Fuck! This is fucking cold! Goddamnit! THORNE!" She stops suddenly, laughing hard and embracing me. I could feel our clothes and skin stick together from the water and because we need the heat.
"You know I hate you" Thorne says, her voice muffled in my chest.
"I know." I said, petting her hair.
"Can we go in? The cars are clean and I’m fucking freezing!!!"
"We could" I said, laughing.
"You know that joke is old" She says while starting to laugh.
"That’s why I keep using it." She hits me.
"Okay fine, I’m going in." I Scoop her up in my arms and bring her in the house, throwing her on the couch on top of Ray and Bob who were watching some pansy movie.
"Fuck!" Bob yells, falling to his knees.
"What happened?" She says, laughing as her head rests in Rays lap.
"Did she land on you package?" I asked, kicking him.
"NO, Tracy just dumped Rob for his cousin, J.T."
"Right" I said, taking my shirt off.
"Really!" Ray says, sitting up a little taller, pointing at the screen. I turn to look, and then stopped as I saw the real truth. I started laughing at what pansies they were.
"Fuck it, I’m going to take a warm shower." I turn to go upstairs as I see Thorne sit up, grabbing a handful of popcorn.
"Oh gods, Thorne you’re not going to watch this shit are you?"
"Yes" She says, not even looking up from the screen.
"Fine. I’ll be upstairs. Naked. With sushi on my body. And my ass. For you to eat."
She didn’t even look up. I noticed tears beginning to form in all of there eyes. From his room, I heard Frank.
"Fuck no! Tracy! NOOOOO!" What the hell? I headed upstairs, my shirt dripping wet in my hands. I get in and out of the shower in record timing, race back downstairs to find Thorne in Mikey's lap, tears on everyone’s face. I walk over and grab Thorne by the waist, making Mikey and herself jump in surprise.
"What?" She asks, wiping the tears off her face.
"Why the hell are you watching that pansy show with....well...everyone?"
".....Because I have nothing better to do...."
"You could do a lot of other things."
"Like what?"
" could...have sex with me...take a shower...with me.....uhh you could...--" The doorbell rings and Ray interrupts me.
"Chinese is hear!" Everyone jumps up to sit down at the table.
"What? What the fuck!?!?!!? Everyone knew about this but me?"
"Don’t worry!" Thorne says, handing me a bag.
"Got your favorite." She winks at me.
"Mmm I see" We all sat down to eat, shoving greasy, delicious Chinese food in our faces.
lol sry guys lol...I wish I had Chinese food right now...*Sips more soup*
After a few minutes, we were all done and Frank had cleaned up, putting some in the fridge for tomorrow.
"We should do this every week" Mikey said, putting the dishwasher on.
"Deal" I said, wiping my mouth on a napkin. I looked at the clock.
It was 7:30.
Thorne got up and walked across the room.
I guess you could say this house thing is working out for the best. I watched her pull out a blender and some ice-cream. She put it down on the counter and got the rest of the ingrediance.
"Who wants---" She was interrupted.
"ME!" Mikey yelled, running to stand first in the line that hadn't even started yet.
"Okay...Anyone else?!?!" We all raised our hands.
"Okay...chocolate milkshakes for 7."
I knitted my eyebrows.
"7?" she leaned in to whisper to me.
"Mikey always wants two."
"Ahh...You’re too good."
"That’s me." I kissed her on the cheek. We all finished that gay movie (Which almost made me cry. ALMOST) then we all went to bed at about 9 or so. I snuggled against Thorne, her smooth nighty on my bare skin. We lay silent for a moment until we heard something outside.
"What the hell was that?" She asked, sitting up quickly.
"Nothing." (Although, I knew it was Mikey, scratching at the side door... Nice job Mikey!)
"No, it was most defiantly something. Oh my god! This is like that movie...Halloween. Gerard I've seen this movie...and you and I...we don’t make it to the sequel" She jumps out of bed, her slippers on the ground.
"I’m going to check it out."
"NO, Thorne your not."
"Yes I am." She creeps out of the room. I wait for her to go down the stairs as I slowly reach under my bed, pulling out my tux. I throw it on quickly, fixing my tie. The ring box was burning in my pocket as I climbed out the window and down the ladder to the ground, where Mikey stood, hands in his pockets.
"Mikey, where is she?"
"She’s probably walking around the house."
"Good. Oh, that tux looks nice on you."
"Your welcome and Thanks!" I stopped breathing for a moment, leaning up against the house, listening to the footsteps growing louder.
"Hello?" Thorne's voice.
"Hello?" A little more desperation this time.
Mikey looked at me and grinned.
"No ones he-ere" He said in that stupid tone of voice that let you know it was, infact, Mikey.
"Mikey!" She yelled, hitting him hard.
"Why the fuck did you scare me like that? Gerard and I heard something and were scared half to death! We-" I cut her off.
"We?" I said, stepping out of the shade and into the dull moonlight.
"Gerard!" I looked at her, my eyes aglow from being happy and nervous at the same time. She embraced me hard, almost knocking me over. She pulls away, her skin glowing from the moon's light.
" I missing....something?" Mikey comes behind her, grabbing her up wedding style and I lead them into the woods, stopping at the clearing where we had set it up this morning. Mikey had lit the candles before he started this fiasco, and I thanked him mentally for remembering, cuz I sure hadn't. Mikey sit her down on the blanket softly and stepped back against the night’s pattern, little light thrown across his face. I almost laughed. He looked like the devil or something. Thorne stood up and looked at me, confused.
"Really...what the heck is going on? Did I miss-" I cut her off again, getting down on one knee, pulling the ring box out of my pocket.
"Thorne" I said, Mikey shifting in his place.
"You are the most perfect human being I have ever met. You are... Beautiful, graceful, playful, and...Well...good at everything. I love you Thorne. And...." I opened the box, her eyes wide.
"I want to spend forever with you. Will you...Marry me?" She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out for a second.
"Oh my god, Gerard....Oh my god yes!" She knelt down and hugged me. I pulled her away, sliding the ring on her finger. I looked into her eyes which were watering and I pushed some hair out of her face.
"What’s wrong baby?"
"Everything's just so. Perfect...” She said, tears streaming down her cheeks. Mikey walked over, kneeling next to me.
"So...I think you need a best man for the wedding." I looked at him; this was perfect timing to get him back for everything.
"I already got him." Mikey smiled.
"Thanks I don’t know what--"
"Frank." I said, trying my best to be serious.
"Yeah." Thorne caught on, nodding her head in "agreement" to my sick joke.
"Yeah." I nodded, serious and then broke into laughter, hitting Mikey's shoulder.
"Hell no, not Frank! You dumbass! I would only want you to be my best man, man." He smiled, a red shade returning to his face.
"I knew you were joking." Thorne piped in.
"No you didn’t." He squinted his eyes at her.
"Yes I did"
"Fine." I scooped her up in my arms, the ring glistening on her hand. Mikey blew the candles out and followed us to the house.
"What do we do now?" She asked, kissing me lightly.
"First," I said, holding her tight.
"First, we celebrate. Then, we plan." Her eyes sparkled.
"I’m all for that."