Status: completed

Broken Storm


Gerard’s POV*

I lay in the top bunk of the bed and stared intently at the ceiling. Just below me laid my brother, Mike. The day was passing by sooo slooow. Now, you may be curious on how we just happened to land ourselves in this shit hole. Good question. I had been in my house when Mikey came running in, panting. I guess he was running from the cops, cuz guess what he said next?
"Dude we gotta go- I gotta go... It wasn’t me... ok?"
I stared at him blankly.
"Whatever...I think?"
Next thing you know, the doorbell rings. I prop myself up on my elbows and think for brief seconds. Around me lay beer, chips, and some pills? I think? And some stuff Mikey told me "not to touch, because its friend was coming to pick it up"
I got up and walked over to the door. And I bet you know who was there. The poe-poes.

They ran in and cuffed me, saying
"Mikey you’re under--" I cut them off.
"Whoa wait, I’m not Mikey, I’m Gerard, his brother....uhh Mikey's not here. Now. Yet."
I looked up at my ceiling. "Shit, who am I kidding? He' my room..."
Damn, Mikey will never forgive me.

Well turns out, they nabbed me too, apparently Mikey hid some stuff in my room, they found some of my pills, and they suspected that we were selling. SO, that’s how we wound up here.