Status: completed

Broken Storm


LOLZ sorry guys for the lack of updates. I have been putting the suspence on cos one of the next updates will contain a shocking twist.
(Du du dunnnnn) Is it this one? We'll see! (No, Its Not) Okay, I'll shut up now.

Gerard's POV*

I slowly opened my eyes at about 7 the next morning. The shower was running, and instead of investigating, I rolled out of bed and forced myself down the stairs. What were we doing today? It was something rather important if I recall. I sat down at the table and yawned, Mikey sitting across from me, viciously munching his Cap'n Crunch. I rubbed my eyes and blinked several times, my vision becoming less and less blurred. Bob sat down next to me and rubbed a hand over his face, exhaling as he did so.
"Sup?" He managed to get out.
"Nothing." I responded. Thorne came downstairs moments later, her hair dripping from the shower.
"Hey guys" She said, walking into the kitchen and grabbing a bowl. Frank came down only seconds after her, a wide grin on his face. Thorne re entered the dining room and put a bowl of Rice Crispies in front of me, sitting down on the chair to my left and smiling.
"You’re not having any?"
"No, I already had breakfast. No thanks to Frank might I add." I raised my eyebrows while chewing, signaling that I wanted to know but couldn’t say it.
"I woke her up at like, four in the morning." Frank said, grinning that sheepish grin.
"Why?" I forced out between munches.
"Cuz I was bored. And I wanted someone to help me eat my Pixe Stix." I looked at Thorne who was nodding in agreement.
"Frank uses Pixie Stix cos he can’t afford Heroin." She said, knocking shoulders with him.
"Okay, so hurry up and eat! We got to get going to that place to meet the priest and stuff." She took the bowl from me as I finished my last bite. She handed it to Frank who brought it into the kitchen and put it in the dishwasher.
"C’mon! Move faster!" She got me up out of my seat and pushed me along until we got to the stairs. She gave me a small push and watched me go up. I got dressed and brushed my teeth, put on some socks and made my way back down the stairs. Thorne was at the door, signing for some stuff that came in the mail and backed up as some guys came through with a huge drum set. Another guy handed her a package and left, the other close behind.
"What did you get?" I asked as she shut the heavy door behind the men.
"Some....sheet music" She was lost in the package as she put it down.
"Okay let’s get going"
"Why are we leaving so early?"
"Because we are" She said, grabbing the keys and sliding her shoes on, the heels clicking as she walked across the room.
"Guys!" She yelled, re opening the door and leaning against the frame.
"What?" They all called back.
"We'll be back okay? Don't make a mess of the place." I followed her out the door and to the truck, which she started up in a matter of seconds.
"How far away is this place?" I asked, buckling myself in.
"A while. We're gonna stop for lunch somewhere that’s why we're leaving early" She turned the radio on to some random station, Bullet for my Valentine pouring out of the speakers. Most of the ride was silent for us, which was weird, considering we usually talk about anything and everything. At about 11:30 we swung by a McDonalds and had some double cheeseburgers with a large soda (Which I chugged in 33 seconds) and we were back on the road. Finally, we pulled into the parking lot and jumped down from the truck, making our way inside the building. A woman greeted us inside and she led us through a waiting area that contained a small fountain. I looked at it and all I thought was
Oye. Where would we be with out him? The lady walked us through the hall, pointing little things out like the bar and the dance floor. There’s only going to be what? 6 people? Finally, when she shut her trap and introduced the Priest, things got interesting.
"Hello." He stuck out his hand, kind of forcing me to shake it. Thorne did too; i could see she had a much more open mind. We sat down at a table and he opened some binders and folders, pulling some stuff out.
"My name is Father Ray, but you can call me Mark if you want." I nodded my head
"Good to know"
"And you guys are?" I snapped my neck up and smiled, forcing my name out.
"Gerard Way" oops.
"Not the criminal, I get that a lot" I managed to throw in.
"Ah, don’t you just get annoyed with that? Well, I guess god has a plan for everyone, even jail escapees." I managed to laugh nervously.
"And you are?" Thorne looked up from her paperwork, color rushing to her face.
"Thorne-" She paused quickly- "Toro"
"Oh I was going to say what’s this? Two criminals?" Thorne laughed nervously and forced out some words.
"Huh, yeah usually when people hear our first names they call the cops."
"That’s not fair to you" Mark said, knitting his eyebrows.
"You get used to it...." I finished her sentence.
"Yeah, and besides, the real criminals are bound to be caught soon."
"We can only hope. It's a shame that Criminals have to be the way they are, make the choices they make. Those who are in jail should remain in jail until justice is sent upon them. God only knows when that is. Just too bad they ruin life for some people." Thorne and I shot each other nervous glances.
"Okay so how long of a ceremony do you want?" Thorne beat me to the punch.
"Can you do ten minutes?"
"Sure can"
"Oh good"
"So I will see you...' he ran his finger over his calendar ' December 13th. Right?" We both nodded.
"Okay. Nice doing business with you both" He cracked us a smile and stormed out, leaving Thorne and I in our seats, hears throbbing.
"I feel like dying" She said, hitting her head on the table.
"Don’t say tha-"
"We lied to a priest."
"I’m going to hell fer sure now."
"I'll meet you there"