Status: completed

Broken Storm


Thorne's POV*

"--Cos your my DREAM- WEAV-AH! I've go-"
"Oh my god shut up! Gerard you suck! Get OVER it!" I pushed him lightly, causing him to knock into the window.
"Okay fine! Fine! I'll stop! I'll stop!"
"Good." I rested my head on his shoulder and stared out at the road, once nicely paved; now turning narrow and rugged.
"Where are we?" I asked, sitting back in my seat and smoothing my dress out with my fingers.
"Were almost there. Trust me; I just need to take a right u-whoa!" He hits the breaks hard, causing me to jerk forward, stopping short because of my seatbelt.
"What?" I asked, sitting back up.
"See for yourself. I think we have a problem." I glance onto the road that lays before us, dusty and (extremely) narrow, not even enough for two cars to pass each other.
A motor bike? Who was on the motor bike?
Who else could be on the motor bike?!

"What does he want?" Gerard asked, quite annoyed as he hit his head on the seat's head rest.
"I don’t know, just pull forward. He can't hurt us....I think" I said, nervously. Slowly, the car moved forward as the bike revved.
"I don’t know about this."
"Go!" Gerard hit the gas peddle hard, flying past Trevor, who started following us.
"Babe he's following us"
"I’m not letting him fuck this up."
"Okay, I'm in. C'mon baby! Accelerate! Damn it!" he yelled to the car. He pushed the peddle down harder, making the car move faster and faster. Trees and bushes lost shape, now becoming mere streaks.
"Gerard slow down. I Think your going-Oh god!" We obviously weren’t going fast enough, cos Trevor started bumping us with his tire, causing the car to move off the road a little, although Gerard corrected it quickly.
"Okay, here's our right turn. We turn, we go into the parking lot, we get into the parking lot, and we have witnesses if anything happens."
"So the hotels right there?"
"Not's quite a few miles away...." He said, quietly, looking hard at the road.
"Oh, okay." I watched the road intently as the turn came into view, Trevor still bumping the car.
We attempted the turn at a high rate of speed, Trevor bumping us yet again as we made it, causing us the car to flip, Gerard falling out of his seat and on top of me, glass shattering all around us, and all we could do was scream. The car gave one last flip, sending Gerard through the windshield and down into a ditch. And all I could do was watch in horror as blood ran from the corners of my mouth.
All I could do was watch.