Status: completed

Broken Storm


Thorne's POV*

The pain in my ankle was unbearable. I finally resorted to dragging my leg behind me it was so bad. I heard Bob, Ray and Mikey in the background, telling me to stop and stuff, the tone of their voices panicky. I couldn’t think, my mind was too numb to operate. All I could really think about was Gerard.
Oh god, please let him be okay, please let him be okay. Gerard, Gerard, Gerard.
I reached up to my forehead, wiping some blood off and onto my hand, which I brushed onto my dress. After a few painful minutes, I reached the edge of the ditch, where I let myself fall down the side of the embankment and down to the ground below, where I saw Trevor stratling Gerard's lifeless body, stabbing him over and over with a knife.
"Get off of him you son of a bitch!"
"Thorne!" He called, surprised, whipping his head around.
"Get off" I thrusted myself forward, pushing him off Gerard and grabbing his knife, pinning him to the ground.
"Why the hell did you do this? Why?" I pushed the blade in toward his throat, causing him to gasp for breath.
"Because.....I---can." I pushed down a little harder.
"You wouldn't kill me, Thorne. I know you all too well. Now, baby....Get off of me. Your hurt and we need to get someone to look at that before---" I pushed the knife in hard enough to draw some blood.
"DIE YOU SON OF A BITCH! How the hell can you kill Gerard! WHY? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU THINKING!!!" I took the knife off of his throat and brought it down fast and hard, stabbing it into the ground by his head, just grazing his head.
"I thought I would stab until he was dead. He's just....all wrong for you..." I looked over at Gerard, whose body was limp and life less on the cool dirt ground lying in a pool of his own blood. I pulled off of Trevor as Ray and Frank came down the embankment to see what was going on.
"What the---holy shit........" Frank didn't finish his sentence. I pulled myself toward Gerard and sat awkwardly next to him, taking his hand in mine.

"Gerard, c’mon baby. C'mon. Doll, c'mon you gotta open your eyes. We've only been married for like, what? Two hours or less? Don't do this to me.... C'mon. Doll?"
No response, I should have known. Grabbing him up wedding style and placing him on my lap (quite painfully) I set my hand behind his head to support it, then pulling it back at the wet sensation on my fingers.
Blood. Lots of it.
Gerard was in bad shape, and it didn’t really set in until now.
"C'mon now babe, doll c’mon. Don’t......don’t....don’t leave me, c’mon you promised. Doll---" I caught my breath, sucking my tears in.
"Gerard...." His eyes opened part of the way.
"Hey babe" I smiled down at him, leaning in to kiss him lightly on the lips.
"Scared me for a sec doll." I said, pulling him tighter to my body, the cuts on his chest and stomach bleeding a dark red, almost black.
"Babe, listen up. I will never leave you----" He struggled for his breath and his words.
"Just don't move on without me. I'm not too far gone." I was quite confused.
"What are you-" He managed to place a finger on my lips, silencing me.
"I love you. Forever tonight." He exhaled long and soft, his body going limp.
"Gerard. Doll." He smiled at me as his eyes shut. I feared the worse.
"Gerard- Oh Jesus fuck- Someone get an ambulance! Someone do something. Please..... Please." I looked over at Ray, who was taking a cell phone from Trevor's Pocket and dialing the number shakily.
"Hang in their guys...Hang.....Hello? Operator? Can you send us an ambulance A-sap? Yeah and the cops. Thanks....Hurry as fast as you can please. Please. Please." He hung up and scrambled over, Mikey sliding down the embankment and slapping a hand over his mouth.
"Mikey. We just called an ambulance in...We’re gonna get him help... We-" Mikey didn't listen, he stormed over to Trevor and kicked him hard in the ribs.
"Hey what the fuck man?" Mikey pinned him down by his neck with one hand and gripped the knife hard with another.
"You know damn well. You might have killed my brother; you could have killed my sister, the only thing that's made him smile in fucking years. You fucked with the bull, now you’re getting the horns." I watched in horror as Mikey went to bring the knife down on his chest, but Frank stopped him.
"Don't do that Mikey. Don't. You know damn well that you will be in just as much trouble if you kill him. "
"Gerard is not dead!" He cried, tears running down his cheeks.
"Not- dead....." he hiccupped, causing me to start crying, calling his attention. He wrung his hands and sat down next to me.
"Thorne...Oh my god is he okay?" I tried to convince him he was.
"Yeah...It looks like he's gonna be....just fine."
"Is he awake?"
"He was...not right now...but-" I was interrupted by Bob.
"Ambulance!" Ray looked at me, infact, everyone seemed to crowed around and listen to what I had to say.
"Guys. If we get busted....I just wanna let you know I'm sorry. For everything." They didn't respond at first.
"Thorne, don’t apologize. Maybe it's best we go back, so this doesn’t happen." It was Frank. Mikey put a hand around my shoulder, like a half hug as he whispered into my ear.
"You were always like a sister to me. I love you." Tears busted from my eyes as the ambulance workers slid down the ditch and walked over to us, carrying stretchers over. The police were soon to follow, putting Trevor in cuffs then taking long, hard looks at us as I was being loaded onto a stretcher.
"Damn...You're those kids...You're...Holy damn." I shot a quick look at Frank, who was biting his bottom lip.
"You kids have been missing for months now. Were glad we found you, but it's obvious you didn’t do anything bad....holy damn....."
That’s all I could make out as I slipped out of consciousness.