Status: completed

Broken Storm


Thorne's POV*

"I think she's waking up. But be easy on her, she just got out of some surgery." I opened my eyes slowly and didn’t really know what was going on.
The I remembered.
Sitting up quickly, I felt a sharp pain wash over me, sending me back down, a heavy hand set on my collarbone.
"Thorne are you okay?" I focused my vision on the figure (turns out it was a police officer) and shut my eyes again.
"I’ve been better." I said, honestly.
"Yeah I can see.... Ummmm do you mind if ask you a few questions?"
"Knock yourself out."
"You broke out of jail with these men?"
"You bet."
"Did you have serious relationships with all of them?"
I started laughing, and then stopped to catch my breath.
"No...Not really, I don’t think. Just Gerard sir."
"Call me John. Please."
"Sure, John."
"Okay...So, we asked Mikey a few questions and-"He pulled my ATM card out.
"Is this yours?"
"No, it's not, John."
"Can you tell me whose it is?"
"I don’t know...I saw her in the mall and she left it behind... I took it and....used it...I'm sorry."
"It's okay. Why?"
"Because I wanted...a house and...(Tears welted in my eyes) was...We needed the money..." I started to cry silent tears.
"No, its okay...were gonna give this back to the rightful owner and find a way for you to keep the house and pay the woman back at the same time."
I nodded, satisfied with the idea
"Can you tell me what happened with the car crash?" I inhaled and started from the start, when I saved Trevor's Ass and ended with the stabbing.
"Are you sure that’s what happened?"
"Yeah. Exactly."
John muttered to himself.
"So he didn’t lie to us...."
"Nothing...The suspect--erm... Trevor appears to have told the truth."
"And when we asked him why, he just answered the same thing over and over..." I cut him off.
"Because he loves me. Right?"
"Yeah. As of now, he's in jail, charges pending since we don’t know the extent of Gerard's injuries."
"Is Gerard...?”
"We just said we don’t know. He hasn't woken up."
"Fuck" I squeaked, rubbing my hand down my face, since an IV was sticking out of the other one.
"But we have some good news."
"I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Gecko."
I just stared at him, quite annoyed and upset.
"...Sorry, I just wanted to say that to someone for a long time....Okay no, really. We have good news."
"What?" I asked again.
"We will not be putting any of you in jail. Just come to court on the assigned dates, which are pending, and serve the community service you’re pretty much guaranteed to get, and you’re good to go." He got up from his chair and went to leave, then turning to face me one last time.
"Oh and Thorne?"
"Give Gerard my well wishes. I let you guys off easy, but you’re damn lucky I’m a nice cop."
I chuckled.
"Yeah. We really appreciate it. More than anyone knows."
"Good kid. Stay that way." He winked at me and left, a nurse coming in with a clip board.
"Hello Ms. Zythe. I'm here to-" I cut her off.
"Mrs. Way. I was just married."
"Oh yeah, sorry we were just debating what to call you outside actually. It was a majority rules thing." She smiled.
"Oh, I see"
"Umm we just wanted to let you know you did break an ankle, and suffered a minor concussion, several cuts that need time to heal and a few other scratches. Are you taking any medication daily that we should know about?"
"Just birth control." I said, looking at my hands shamefully.
"We did retrieve that. We will be giving it to you regularly until it’s all over."
"Ummmm we will be administering a daily pain killer to keep your mind off the pain, and we will be looking after you intently until you get well enough to go home."
"What about Gerard?"
"We do not know the extent of his injuries. When we find out we will get back to you, alright hun?"
"In the mean time, we do have a visitor for you. They will be here in a second."
The nurse left, the curtain swaying as she did so. In a matter of seconds, it moved to the side again, a voice coming from the tall figure at the opening.
"Hey killer."
