Status: completed

Broken Storm


Gerard’s POV*

9, 10, 11---
"Mike Way?" came a voice, interrupting my counting.
"Yeah?" he asked, obviously "thrilled"
The large man at the gate motioned for him to come over, and he talked to him way to quietly for me to make anything out.
"Ok, ill be ready by then" he called as the man was leaving.
"Hey Gee?" he asked, I could hear the strain in his voice.
"What?" I mumbled.
"Uhh that guy is moving me to another cell. Ya know, with Ray and Frank?"
I was absolutely shocked. My own BROTHER was abandoning me IN JAIL.
I rolled onto my side without responding. What the hell was up with that?
"Fuck off Mikey, fuck off."
And that’s what he did.
I sat on the cold floor, staring out the bars. The heavy mahogany door was pulled to the side, so I could see out. I closed my eyes and just replayed everything in my head. Mikey was really gone. And I was alone. Not cool.
Just down the hall was a shuffle of feet. I got up and backed into the bunk bed, staring out into the hall, hoping it was Mikey returning.
Some girl was pushed into my room and she tripped, falling into me. I wasn’t in the mood. Really.
I pushed her back. Probably not the best choice. Her incredibly small body smacked into the door, now shut. Her head snapped back and she clenched her teeth in slight pain. Turning away I climbed up the ladder and sat down. The girl bent over to pick up her book. I opened my mouth to say something like "Hi" or "sup?" or "whacha in for?" But I said.
"Pick a bed."
She sat down on the top bunk across from me, and our feet dangled briefly in the deranged silence.
"What did they nab you for?"
"I was caught using drugs. Pills actually."
"Damn kid, what the hell were you thinking?"
She opened her mouth, ready to answer, but all she got out was.
"I wasn’t...well, not exactly."

"So what’s your name kid?"
"Thorne? Cool."
"How bout you?"
"Gerard. Gerard way."
I stuck my hand out.
"Welcome to the county jail."