Status: completed

Broken Storm


Thorne's POV*

"I see you recognize your old man." He said, walking over and hugging me tight, his scent like cigars, as usual.
"It's been five years, Daddy. Why did you come back? Or, so the question stands, why did you leave?"
"For reasons to complicated to explain, doll." (That’s where I picked it up from....)
"But I would never forget about you or abandon you. Unlike you mother...."
"What about Mom?"
"Doll, she got a phone call, stating that you were in the hospital. She wanted no part. Her exact words were: 'I thought I had a daughter, but I was wrong. I have a monster.' So they called me and explained everything, so I'm here to make sure your okay and to tell you I have open arms if you need them. I'm moving back just for you doll." I smiled; I knew my mom never understood me.
"I Love you daddy"
"Oh! And before I forget! Where's the lucky guy?"
"He's not doing so well" I said, holding in tears.
"Oh, doll I'm sorry."
"It's Okay daddy, your here, that helps. And you know what? When I was out one day with Gerard, I ran into mom. I think she knew who I was."
"No shit?"
"Tell me"
So I did. Actually, it was funny how much my dad and I were alike. I don’t blame mom, who wants two Freddie's running around? Not her.

"That’s too funny." He said, leaning back into the seat now placed at my bed side.
"I know right? I wa-" A familiar voice came from outside my room.
"Can I just go inside? Puh-leeeeze? I just want to see her! PLEASE?!?!!"
"She might not be awake and besides, theirs already a vis-" I cut the nurse off.
"He can come in." I shouted.
The curtain pulled back again, light flooding in and giving me a headache.
"Thorne! You’re alive! Hurrah!" Mikey.
He ran over and gave me a warm hug which I welcomed and struggled to give back. He pulled away and adjusted his glasses, stepping back and looking down at his feet.
"Oh, Daddy this is Mikey...My brother in law...Mikey, this is my Dad. You can call him...?"
"Fred, Dad, whatever."
"Fine with me, man"
"Cool." He sat down at the food of my bed, scrunching his nose to fix his glasses instead of using his fingers.
"Mikey, did you hear the good news?"
"Yeah, free jell-o's in the maternity wing!"
"No, that we don’t have to go to jail!"
"Oh, yeah, that’s cool I guess." I just shot him a look.
"Okay you got me; I took two Jell-os. So sue me."
"Oh, Mikey, I missed you."
"I missed you too."
He hugged me again.
"I’m so... (He wiped a tear off his face)Mad they won’t let me see Gee. He's my brother."
"I’m mad too, Mikey, they won’t tell me if he's okay. They said they "don’t know the extent of his condition" bull"
"Really?" My dad chimed in.
"Really" We both answered.
"That’s not...fair...."
"No, it's not."

"Mrs. Way?" I looked up to the nurse, who came in with that same clip board.
"It’s time for you meds, hun." My dad kissed my forehead and Mikey followed him outside the room and to god-knows-where.
I took the pill in my hand and swallowed it, slipping into an all-to-familiar drugged sleep seeing nothing but Gerard's look of sheer horror as he went crashing through the windshield.
And all I could do was watch.