Status: completed

Broken Storm


Mikey's POV*

My Gee?
No, this can't be Gee.
Gee couldn't slip into a coma.
Gee would be walking around the hospital,
Asking for
An orange Popsicle.
He wouldn't let himself
Slip that far.

Or would he?

"Oh god, please open your eyes."
Thorne whispers as she brings Gee's hand up to her face, holding it against her lips and chin, not quite kissing it, just holding it.
I opened my mouth to say something, but for a minute, nothing came out.
"Gee doesn't belong in here....It's too cold."
Thorne puts Gerard’s hand down and looks up at me.
"I want him to wake up just as much as you do, Mikey. But...Gerard is strong...He's gonna...He's....." She started to cry, but quickly stifled her sobs and wiped her eyes.
"You can cry Thorne, its okay....."
"No...It's not okay Mikey! I don’t like to cry... especially not in front of Gerard....."
"Me too...." I said, my voice giving out as tears started streaming down my face. We sat in silence for a moment, holding each other and staring at Gee, his pale, bare shoulders sticking out of the sheets.
I shiver. He even
"Mikey..." Thorne whispers, holding me tighter.
"I really love him."
"Me too." I say, trying to stay strong as I watch my brother die.
"Me too."

The door opens behind us.

"Sorry for interrupting, but since your visitie cant respond, were going to ask you to go home.
Visiting hours are over, you can come back tomorrow."
"Sure" I say, getting up and putting Gerard's hand back under the covers and pulling the blanket up over his shoulders and taking a quick peek at his body.
Not pretty.

"Let's go Thorne." I said, pushing her out before she could protest, but to my surprise, she didn’t even try to stay.
"Your ride is out front Malady" Bob says, tipping an Invisible hat and following me down the hall to the exit. Bob opened the door for us and we went out to the car, helping Thorne inside. She sat in the far left corner, and we put her chair in the trunk. Quickly, I slid into the back seat up next to her. We started down the road in complete silence, arrived at the house; in silence, and walked in. In silence.
Thorne wheeled herself to the stairs and got up.
"What are you doing?" I asked as she pulled herself up the stairs.
"I’m going upstairs." She responded, finally reaching the top. I pushed her chair out of the way and climbed up, following her into her room, where she sat herself down on the bed and pulled her foot up. I watch her roll over and grab Gee's pillow and hold it close to her face.
"Hey" I said, coming in and sitting next to her.
"It's late, shouldn't you get to sleep, not just sit here and..."
"I can't sleep."
"Why not"
"If I sleep, I dream, and if I dream...." She hiccups
"I hurt if I dream."
Wow, that’s deep
"I’m sorry."
"Your here. And that makes it...almost better."
"As long as you’re happy." I said, laying down and staring up at the ceiling for a second, Thorne handing me her pillow the next.
"Your gonna need this" She said, lying down next to me, facing away.
"Good night Mikey" She said before drifting into dreamland.
"G'night Angel" I said, moving in closer to her , my chin resting on the crown of her head.
And that was the last thing I said before following her into the land of dreams,
But tonight it was filled with dreams of Thunder and Coma.